
The Harvest Is Plentiful but the Workers Are Few

The Harvest Is Plentiful but the Workers Are Few

Yahshua (Jesus) said, “follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” Everyone who professes to know the Savior must embrace this call because as the Master said, “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

To Seek and Save the Lost

To Seek and Save the Lost

Have you opened your mouth and become a fool for Messiah’s sake? Have you brought them the knowledge that we are in the end days and only those cleansed in the righteous blood of Yahshua (Jesus) will be saved?

Be an Ambassador for Messiah

Be an Ambassador for Messiah

We are to glorify the Father in word and deed, to be fishers of men, feeders of sheep, seeking and saving the lost, and fulfilling the great commission, not by our might or power but by the very Spirit of Yahshua (Jesus) in us.

Let Yahshua (Jesus) Fill You to Overflowing

Let Yahshua (Jesus) Fill You to Overflowing

Will you open your heart and let Yahshua (Jesus) fill you to overflowing that He might live as the King of Glory in and through you, so that others too, might join that heavenly host at eternity’s threshold in the days ahead?

Do You Care that People are Perishing?

Do You Care that People are Perishing?

Honestly speaking, “Do we care that people are perishing if it is an imposition to our lives and what pleases our self seeking inclinations of the heart and is down right inconvenient and very risky of offending people?

Feed My Sheep

Feed My Sheep

YAHshua (Jesus) said that if we love Him we will feed His sheep. YAHveh has given us food, YAHshua, the bread of life, the manna from heaven and pure drink, the living water from His very throne to lead others to salvation.

20/20 Vision in the Spirit

20/20 Vision in the Spirit

YAHveh (the LORD) is calling us to persevere and to get spiritual wisdom through faith. With 20/20 spiritual vision we will be able to see with holy perspective instead of only focusing on this little infinitesimal life we live.

My Righteous One will Live by Faith

My Righteous One will Live by Faith

YAHshua is coming soon, and will not delay. If you don’t stand by faith, you are not going to stand at all. We must thus not shrink back from our faith for if we do the Almighty has no pleasure in us. Stand strong in your faith!

When YAHshua Ascended He Gave Gifts to Men

When YAHshua Ascended He Gave Gifts to Men

YAHshua [Jesus] invested in each one of us multiple gifts, talents, and resources, brought forth by the same Spirit. Each part of body is as important as the other, supplying what is lacking for the fullness of His remnant.

Come Out of the World

Come Out of the World

The Almighty is crying for His children to come out of the world and be holy to Him. He gave His Son to die on the stake at Calvary. In return, we can no longer be halfhearted lip servers who serve the cravings of this world.

Faith - The Victory That Has Overcome the World

Faith - The Victory That Has Overcome the World

Friends, I, along with many of you, are experiencing diverse trials and testings. You may feel loneliness, stress, anxiety, hopelessness, or fear. Yet, let us take heart that faith which is refined as gold give us the victory in Yahshua!

Holy is Yahveh, Who Was & Who is & Who is to Come

Holy is Yahveh, Who Was & Who is & Who is to Come

It is about time to know about time. We are to awake, sleeper because the time is short. From here to eternity, the call of the redeemed is to give YAHveh all the love, praise, honor, glory, worship, and dominion that He is due.

Many Are Called, but Few Are Chosen

Many Are Called, but Few Are Chosen

True disciples must “count the cost” to stay on the narrow path. Yahshua (Jesus) continually cautions His disciples to “be on guard,” making it clear that although many would want to, only a remnant would enter Heaven.

Heaven's Roll Call

Heaven's Roll Call

Yahshua’s Spirit is relentlessly beseeching us to forsake the old self and sin nature with all of its gripping worldly desires and preoccupations. “The world is passing away and also it’s lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever”