Welcome to It's Midnight Ministries - a global non-profit that focuses on (1) unlocking Biblical truths, (2) upholding righteousness, and (3) reestablishing what true holiness means before the Almighty. Our goal is that through each of these core pillars our work will help you draw closer to the Almighty Elohim of Israel in this late hour. A key question we help you answer is the following, "Are you ready and waiting for your glorious soon coming Savior?" Yahshua (Jesus) said now is the day of salvation - if you hear his voice do not harden your heart. These divine words have perhaps never carried so much weight because the hour is late. Indeed, it's nearly midnight! The clock is ticking, the grains of sand are falling in the hourglass; very little time is left! We are exhorted “to redeem the time for the days are evil.” (Eph 5:16) An important question is – What are you doing that is of eternal value at this most critical juncture in world history and its threshold into eternity? The Holy Spirit is now opening the seals of many vital scriptures that have been hidden in the scroll of ancient biblical truths. For many centuries these truths have been covered in obscurity. As such, the Mighty One, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is wooing a remnant, both Jews and Gentiles, to be reconciled to Him, a righteous remnant, who will know and worship Him in spirit and in truth. It is the prayer of this ministry that the Spirit of Truth will take the whole hearted seeker of the Most High on a pilgrimage onward and upward on the “Highway of Holiness” (Isaiah 35:8). Indeed, the Almighty is continually crying out, “Come out of the world and be separate and holy.” This ministry is here to help each and every heart that longs to answer this call!
Daily Awakenings
Read our blog that has daily teachings to help you grow, morning by morning, in your spiritual walk with our Savior.
Holy to yahveh
Learn about this life changing book that will draw you closer to the Almighty while uncovering Old & New Testament truths.
Video Messages
Watch and listen to life-changing video teachings and messages from acclaimed author and speaker Terrye G. Seedman.
Audio Messages
Listen to audio teachings, covering topics from holiness to the Feasts of Israel, all of which will draw you closer to our Saviour.
Ten Commandments
Unearth new meaning behind the Ten commandments and learn to become holy, consecrated, and righteous to Yahveh.
Read daily and weekly devotionals that will help you grow in the knowledge, faith, and power of our Savior.
About Us
Learn about our mission, our calling to Jew and Gentiles alike, and our mighty commission from our Elohim and Savior.
Listen to our exclusive music intended to usher the listener into spiritual worship and close communion with the Almighty.