
Chapter 1: Glorify Yahveh's Mighty Name!

Chapter 1: Glorify Yahveh's Mighty Name!

The Almighty has called us to be priests who are Holy to Yahveh. We fix our eyes upon Yahshua, we fix our eyes upon our Lamb and His blood that has covered our sins and separated us to Yahveh for His honor and glory.

Chapter 2: Open The Scroll Of Biblical Truth

Chapter 2: Open The Scroll Of Biblical Truth

Peter said, “We would do well to pay attention to the prophet’s words because their words are as a light shinning in a dark place.” They are a gift from Yahveh in these last hours. May they be magnified to our understanding.

Chapter 3: The Fear Of Yahveh

Chapter 3: The Fear Of Yahveh

The fear of Yahveh is the beginning of wisdom, fearing Him alone. There is an epidemic of fear in the world. May He bundle up all of our fears that have nothing to do with Him and may we have reverential awe and fear of the Holy One.

Chapter 4: You Cannot Please Yahveh And Man

Chapter 4: You Cannot Please Yahveh And Man

If you have the fear of man in you, you are robbing Yahveh of the fear that is due Him. The world fears man. They want man’s approval and acceptance.. You cannot please Yahveh and please man.

Chapter 5: Do Not Touch His Glory

Chapter 5: Do Not Touch His Glory

Apostle Shaul (Paul) said, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition and vain conceit so that you obtain glory for yourself,” Give Him the glory that is due His Name, worship Him in holiness through repentant hearts cleansed in the blood.

Chapter 6: Obedience Is The Greatest Sacrifice

Chapter 6: Obedience Is The Greatest Sacrifice

Yahshua says, “You confess me with your lips,” you talk about me all day long, “but your hearts are far from Me.” It is not wholehearted devotion; it is not a heart that is giving Him all that is His due. Beware of hypocrisy.

Chapter 7: Have You Set Your Heart To Honor Him?

Chapter 7: Have You Set Your Heart To Honor Him?

How many of us, can say in honesty that I have set my heart to honor the Almighty? He is calling us to give our lives on His altar as holy sacrifices, to speak according to His word and testimony, and to act according to His will.

Chapter 8: The Great And Terrible Day Of Yahveh

Chapter 8: The Great And Terrible Day Of Yahveh

Wake up O sleeper, “For behold the day is coming, burning like a furnace.” Peter and most every prophet of old talked about the consuming fire that is coming because they were not obedient to Yahveh.