The Redeemed Elect
- Become a Remnant After the Father's Heart -
The Redeemed Elect
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Through the sacrificial blood of YAHshua, men were purchased for YAHveh from every tribe of Israel and every Gentile nation.
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Even now, the Spirit that separates men and women unto YAHveh is searching for a “David generation.” Like David, they will be men and women “after My [YAHveh’s] heart, who will do all My will” (Acts 13:22).
“Many are called, but few are chosen” (Matthew 22:14). So it was when the prophet Samuel called together all of David’s brothers to anoint the one who was the chosen “man after YAHveh’s heart” (see Acts 13:22). Today there are many who, like David, are surrounded by religious brethren who seem more pious and of greater spiritual stature, but whose hearts are not consumed with knowing and doing YAHveh’s perfect will. Many are called—as were David’s seven brothers—yet only a pure remnant is chosen. YAHveh is looking at hearts. With wholehearted devotion, the “David generation” will joyfully proclaim: “Teach me Thy way, O YAHveh; I will walk in Thy truth; Unite my heart to fear Thy name. I will give thanks to Thee, … And will glorify Thy name forever” (Psalm 86:11-12).
The Holy Spirit has a horn of oil that is now being poured out upon a “David generation,” anointing them to go forth in the name of YAHveh, the Holy One of Israel. The “David generation”, a remnant after YAHveh’s (the LORD’s) own heart, will desire to live obediently and wholeheartedly serve Him. As the holy anointing oil pours out over this last day “David generation,” we will see numbers of people added to David’s army. Simultaneously, we will see a weakening of the so called “Saul Generation’s” compromised ranks. YAHshua (Jesus) is summoning a remnant who will count the cost and defect from man-made traditions and worldly preoccupations to join the ranks of David’s (YAHshua’s) holy army.
Today, YAHveh is making a clear distinction between the “Saul generation” and the “David generation.” He is separating the compromised doctrines and religions of men from His holy, scriptural requirements. The righteous Judge will ultimately distinguish between those who are pure, spotless, and blameless, and those who have been defiled by that which is detestable in His sight. Consecrate yourselves! Be hot! Be holy! For without holiness, no man will stand in His fiery presence.
Those who are circumcised in heart will be able to enter His temple to worship before His holy altar. These are the “living stones,” redeemed by YAHshua and built by His hands as a temple that is Holy to YAHveh.This is the redeemed elect (the holy priesthood) that will stand eternally in His glorious presence in the New YAHrushalayim (New Jerusalem). Of this eternal kingdom, Isaiah prophesied, “For the uncircumcised and the unclean Will no more come into you” (Isaiah 52:1). YAHshua (Jesus) is sounding a trumpet and crying out, “Come out of her, my people, that you may not participate in her sins” (Revelation 18:4). Repent and depart from the love of the world, the lusts of the flesh, and from all religious errors that transgress YAHveh’s holy commands.
YAHveh desires to take a righteous remnant up the mountain of His glorious presence. There, in the midst of His Shekinah glory, He has prepared many delicacies of truth reserved for this last great hour. The redeemed remnant will rejoice as they feast at His table, “YAHveh of hosts will prepare a lavish banquet [great spiritual blessings] for all peoples on this mountain; A banquet of aged wine [He has saved the best wine for last], choice pieces with marrow [spiritual nourishment], … And on this mountain He will swallow up the covering [of deception including religious apostasy] which is over all peoples, Even the veil which is stretched over all nations. He will swallow up death for all time … (Isaiah 25:6-8)
He is inviting the humble and spiritually hungry to be blessed as they partake of this holy banquet. In Messiah’s words: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied” (Matthew 5:6).
Note: The Redeemed Elect is comprised of excerpts taken from Holy to Yahveh. Learn more HERE.