May you understand our Savior compelling love that caused Him to come to earth, to die to bear your sins, and save your soul from the penalty of eternal death that sinners are headed for.
Only those who are “born again” and bear the image they were originally created to bear in Yahveh’s likeness, are able to enter into the eternal righteous Kingdom. Sinful man is barred forever from His holy presence.
“Therefore if anyone is in Messiah, this person is a new creation (a child of God) old things are gone and all things have become new.” (2 Cor 5:17) The spiritual sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father are always “after His heart”.
We must continually “keep watch” on our unruly self-nature and “judge ourselves”, keeping our flesh and strong self will under the control of the Holy Spirit, who gives us the grace to overcome our fallen sin nature.
Paul tells us that the highest form of worship is pouring out our lives in sacrifice and service with utmost gratitude to our Savior who poured out His life to redeem us from our sins and save us from the “wrath of God”.
Satan’s ambassadors have distorted the plumb line of biblical truth by preaching “another Yahshua (Jesus) [a counterfeit]” and many people have been deceived to easily receive “a different spirit,” and “a different gospel”.
The power of the Holy Spirit’s love motivates us to “walk as Yahshua (Jesus) walked”, and to “set our minds on things above, not on earthly things”, in order “that we may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.”
“Light O Light of the world where have You gone? Your churches have been overtaken with darkness, deception, and the world.” The salt has no purifying effect on sin and lawlessness, which has increased in these perilous end times.
Who is the true Yahshua (Jesus) and what did He say and what is the counterfeit and what does it say? The majority of people do not know, therefore they are following another Yahshua (Jesus) and a counterfeit gospel.
We need to get our faith so bolstered and have nothing contending for our obedience to Yahshua (Jesus) by making Him our “first love” so that we can withstand anything and everything because we love Him so much.
When the Son of Man comes, will He find [enduring] faith on the earth? Those with a professing shallow faith will not be able to endure the various trials and sufferings that will increase in the days ahead.
Our fleshy bodies will go from dust to dust but our spirit will be united with Yahshua (Jesus) forever as a bride with her Bridegroom, spirit to spirit, one forever with Him in His eternal kingdom!
Dissipation keeps us from denying ourselves, instead, we end up denying the Holy Spirit’s power to overcome our flesh and its continual desires for the things of this world. Indeed, dissipation is an eternally deadly addiction.
Those who love Yahshua (Jesus) with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength are 100% “all in”. They will follow their Savior and learn to walk as He walked, preparing, and preparing others for His Kingdom.
“For you have been born again, reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose, …through the living and everlasting word of God” who is Yahshua (Jesus) the Messiah. (1 Peter 1:23 AMP)
If we do not die to our flesh and live in the Spirit, we will never in our word and deed be able to glorify the Father consistently, which is what Yahshua (Jesus) in us, by His Spirit, longs to do.
Yahshua (Jesus) waits longingly to be with us every minute of every day, but He sees many with their backs turned to Him, too busy and so distracted with their mind, heart, and focus rarely on Him as their first love.
Many say, “I love God and want to go to heaven, but not right now.” But the Holy Spirit says, “NOW is the day of salvation, if you hear His voice do not harden your heart” with prideful rebellion.