Light of the Night
- Piano Music Album -
Light of the Night | Piano Album
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Declare The Praises Of Him Who Has Called You Out Of The Darkness Into His Wonderful Light
Light of the Night is an instrumental album comprised of spiritually moving and evocative piano compositions. It is designed to usher the listener into spiritual worship and close communion with the Almighty. The ultimate theme of this album is that the Almighty is longing for all of us to come out of the darkness of this world and into the light of His presence where He is waiting to pour down his unfathomable loving-kindness upon us. Indeed, He is our light in this dark world - He is our light of the night! His grace is sufficient because He promises to love you for now and always. Reciprocate that love, run to him, and come up higher by leaving the darkness of this world and ascending into his glorious light of righteousness and holiness. The world and all its desires will become a faint memory as you come out of the darkness and into the light where he is waiting to bless and restore your soul! This album’s theme stems from our Savior’s mighty words, where he proclaimed: “I am the light of the world – whoever follows me will never walk in darkness” (John 8:12). Simply, the Almighty is calling you right now to come out of the darkness (this world) and into his wonderful light (His presence). We must all be children of the light for if we are in the LORD we are a new creatures – creatures that are not ordained to be in darkness (1 Thessalonians 5:5). Indeed, our God is the “The Light that shines through the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it” (John 1:5). As the Psalmists said, “the Almighty keeps my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light and brings his people out of darkness” (Psalm 18:28, Psalm 107:14). Yes, he is our light, strength, and protection in this dark world - He is our light of the night! Light of the Night has been composed and performed exclusively for It’s Midnight Ministries and includes the following 12 songs: (1) Light of the Night, (2) Music Box Interlude, (3) High Places, (4) Four Winds, (5) The Dawn Ascending, (6) Freedom’s Voice, (7) Morning Star, (8) Genesis, (9) Victory’s Hope, (10) The Sojourner’s Song, (11) Jubilee, and (12) Runaway Rhapsody. Light of the Night is a collection of spiritually inspired classically crossover piano compositions. Each song has been handcrafted to usher the listener into spiritual worship and close communion with the Almighty. This album is ideal for private worship with the Almighty, self-reflection, or background music during prayer, reading, or sleep.

Additional Music Albums
Stay With Me
A collection of inspirational vocal works composed specifically for uplifting and soothing your body, soul, and spirit.
It’s Midnight
An album of deeply spiritual vocal works that will help you draw closer to the Almighty while also uplifting your spirit.
On Eagle’s Wings
An album of piano solos that are perfect for self-reflection or background music during prayer, reading, or sleep.
Light of the Night
A powerful collection of inspirational and evocative piano solos that will inspire and motivate you in your daily spiritual walk.
Music Videos & Teachings
Stay With Me
Our Savior will never leave us or forsake us. Indeed, if we are faithless He remains faithful because his love endures forever.
On Eagle’s Wings
Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles and run and not grow weary.
No Matter What
Nothing will separate us from the love of God; for as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love towards us.
It’s Midnight
Be ready for the coming of the Kingdom - be ready for the coming of the King. Our Savior cometh; be ready, waiting and wise!
Come Out of the Darkness
Our Savior is the light of the world. Whoever follows Him will never walk in darkness but rather in His glorious light.
Together Forever
Our Messiah died for us so that we may live with him forever. Yes, we will dwell with our King and Savior together forever.
So Hard to Say Goodbye
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.
You’ll Never Be Alone
No one can fathom the Almighty’s love as his love surpasses knowledge. Yes, you’re never alone for He is always with you.
Run With the Wind
Hope in the LORD and He will renew your strength with the power of His spirit so that you can run and not grow weary.
It’s About Time
It’s about time to know about time. Yes, be ready, waiting, and wise because our Savior will return at an unexpected hour.