Audio Messages
- By Category -

A Faith That Will Not Falter
Listen to powerful messages that will help you have a faith that never falters and a perseverance that endures to the end.
Holiness & Repentance
Dive into messages on living righteous, holy, and uncompromised lives, ensuring your dedication to Yahveh is unwavering.
The name of God | YAHveh
Unlock the truth on the original name of the Elohim of Israel - the holy, divine, and powerful name of YAHveh Almighty.

Fisher's of Men
Learn how to become true fishers of men that feed our Savior's flock and lead others to eternal salvation in our Savior Yahshua.
Feast of Dedication
Dive into a powerful message on the Feast of Dedication, teaching how to be holy by cleansing your heart of sin and apostasy.
Feast of Trumpets
Listen to truth revealing messages on Yom Teruah and hear our Elohim's mighty trumpet sound calling you higher.

Yom Kippur
Become one new man in our Savior and Messiah by purifying your hearts with his powerful and redeeming sacrificial blood.
Feast of Tabernacles
Uncover new meaning around the Feast of Tabernacles, including beautiful weavings of Old and New Testament truths.
Founder's Testimony
Listen to Terrye G. Seedman's testimony and the tumultuous yet inspiring journey leading to her salvation in Messiah.