Overcoming Idolatry
- gain Victory Over One of the Greatest Enemies of Your Soul -
Overcoming Idolatry
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King Josiah is one of the few kings in the Bible who did what was right in YAHveh’s eyes. It wasn’t from learning, for the book of the Torah—the five books of Moses—had not yet been found. Instead, it was in his heart to do right by first tearing down all the idols in the land. Josiah’s heart was circumcised to YAHveh; he did not turn to the right or the left because he was on a mission. Every abominable thing, every idol, everything that he instinctively knew was a grief to the Almighty, Josiah demolished. Josiah was being lead by the Spirit of Truth to seek the Elohim (God) of his fathers. He was being wooed and he realized that the pagan and worldly idols were obstacles on his course. His heart was passionate; he wanted YAHveh more than anything. The word says, “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13) and “…He is a rewarder of those who seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). Indeed, YAHveh is now drawing a remnant because of what is in their hearts; they are not learning it from a pulpit, they are learning from the Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit) Himself.
Overcoming idolatry is ultimately a heart issue. With our hearts circumcised, we will love YAHveh with all of our hearts, all of our souls, all of our minds, and all of our strength, that we might live. We will obey Him because we love Him; a circumcised heart is tender to YAHveh. It is time for little idols, medium idols, and giant idols to be smashed in our lives. YAHveh is going to ultimately purge this land. Josiah is foreshadowing what YAHshua is going to do to this world. Everything is going to come down, be smashed, demolished, and destroyed. He will have a purged new heaven and new earth, a home of righteousness. The ones who will have a home of righteousness are the ones who start now overcoming worldly idols. Like Josiah, they search the land of their lives, and their hearts. They remove what YAHveh points out as idols and they demolish them, willingly.
YAHveh (the LORD) searches to and fro for a heart like Josiah’s. Wisdom comes from above and the only way to recognize it is to rid our own lives from idols. Temptations, the things we entertain in our minds, can come in little packages. If we do not get rid of them, they grow and grow until they take over, until they blind us. We become unable to see YAHshua (Jesus) behind the idols. We can remember Him, we can talk about Him, we can refer to Him, we can give Him lip service, but there is an idol, a stronghold, between YAHshua and us. It is best to knock it down while it is small before it grows so big that it becomes encompassing. Let this devotional lead you in smashing all forms of idols that would keep you from righteousness and blessings from the Almighty.