The Feasts of Israel
- The Biblical Feasts | A Spiritual Map -

Partaking of the holy Biblical Feasts was and still remains as YAHveh proclaimed, “These are [My] appointed times” (Leviticus 23:2,4). Our Father, the Creator of heaven and earth, has appointed these times for us to be blessed in innumerable ways by meeting with Him on these prescribed days, as we are set apart by Him, for Him to bless us. Partaking of the holy biblical feasts is not an issue of eternal salvation, but it is certainly an issue of added blessings to enhance our understanding, love, and obedience to our Messiah. Those who set their hearts and minds to learn of the beauty and prophetic significance of these appointed times, the nourishing sap of the holy olive tree root will enrich and fortify this remnant for YAHveh’s (Lord’s) glory. Messiah is preparing His redeemed priesthood for His Messianic kingdom. This kingdom will be built on a very Hebraic foundation including the continual upholding and commemorating of the Almighty’s prescribed Feast Days (see Isaiah 66:22-23 Zechariah 14:16-18).
Understanding YAHshua (Jesus) through the feasts and understanding our holy walk through these biblically appointed times is a gift from our Savior. They are given to us and serve as a map in the spirit in order to have added light of revelation illuminating our pilgrimage on the straight and narrow path out of this dark condemned earth into the eternal promised land, the kingdom of righteousness. They also magnify our beloved Savior and all that He has done for us so that we are compelled, fortified, and impassioned to endure as we are looking forward to the blessed hope of being forever with our beloved Bridegroom King in His glorious kingdom. YAHshua (Jesus) said, "Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able” (Luke 13:24). The Spirit will guide us on that narrow path to fulfilling the feasts, not just once a year—they are the outline of our walk in fulfillment of the plan of redemption purchased through the blood of the Lamb.
Indeed, the “Feasts of YAHveh” have a great deal to teach all who desire to worship the Holy One of Israel, the almighty Creator, in spirit and in truth. Most Christians have been taught that the apostle Paul in Colossians 2:16-17 was condemning the continued reverence and celebration of the “Feasts of YAHveh.” Rather, the Jewish apostle was emphasizing that the holy festivals lead to and truly bring a greater light of revelation of our Messiah and His incomparable life changing glory for both Jew and Gentile believers. His specific exhortation was not to disregard the feast days but that no one was to legalistically judge others regarding the manner in which they celebrated these biblically ordained holy days. (See the following references: Acts 18:21 KJV, Acts 20:16, 1 Corinthians 5:7, 1 Corinthians 16:8 showing the importance of the appointed Feast Days in Paul’s ministry).
These feasts are a prophetic overview of the whole story of YAHveh’s (the LORD’s) redemptive plan outlined, previewed and fulfilled by YAHshua (Jesus), “the Lamb of YAHveh who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). YAHshua was born to die He is “the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world” (Revelation 13:8) and He will be eternally memorialized as the slain Lamb (Revelation 5:6) by all the redeemed multitudes, evoking eternal worship and praise because it is His shed blood that covers their repentant hearts. They will live in His righteous kingdom beholding, worshipping and serving Him forever and ever!
Explore Feast of Israel Teachings
Watch life-changing Feast of Israel video teachings from acclaimed author and speaker Terrye G. Seedman.
Audio Messages
Listen to powerful audio teachings on the Feasts of Israel, covering their connection to YAHshua, holiness, and the Torah.
The Spring Feasts
Learn about the Spring Feasts like never before while uncovering the truth and fulfillment of our salvation in Messiah.
The Fall Feasts
Uncover new meaning around the Fall Feasts, including Old & New Testament truths that call us to be holy to Yahveh.
Passover | Pesach
Uncover the true meaning of Passover, including its divine symbolism, prophetic insights, and Messianic fulfillment.
First Fruits
Dive into the miraculous resurrection of our Savior who was the fulfillment of the third spring feast, the Feast of First Fruits.
Yom Teruah
- The Feast of Trumpets -
Hear YAHveh crying out and blasting His shofar through this feast - asking all to hear His voice calling us up higher.
Yom Kippur
- The Day of Atonement -
See Messiah's fulfillment as our High Priest, making atonement for us that our names may be written in the Book of Life.