
Come Up Higher

- The Almighty Will Lead You From Strength to Strength If You Trust In Him -

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Come Up Higher
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YAHveh is saying to us, “Go up. Come up. Come up higher.” He wants us to see certain things; and in order to see more, we have to go up. The word “aliYAH,” which is a common word among the Jews, is used when the Israelites were returning to the land of Israel. It means to ascend, go up to YAHveh. When we obey what His instructions are, we are literally going up to see what He has to tell us. Our obedience brings us into His presence so that He can show us more of Himself, more of ourselves, and more of the enemy’s work. He will give us a strategy in the midst of His glory. He will provide a fearlessness and courageousness that will empower us—and we will be overcomers for YAHshua. During the forty year exodus out of Egypt, Israel was in a wilderness. YAHveh wanted them to go up so that they could see that He, who had done mighty things on their behalf, was about to do mighty things again and to bring them into the Promised Land. We have been in a wilderness and He wants us to reflect. We have heard His voice to come out of Egypt, and to come out of the world, to come out of the religious system that is imbibed with traditions. He says, “Come up - come up higher!”

We are to be part of the gigantic fruit that comprises the small remnant throughout the world. YAHveh has set His remnant aside. They are a people for His glory, a treasured possession, a holy nation, a royal priesthood, and a colossal fruit that He made in a land of giants. The giants are there but YAHveh says, “Go up, go up and see what is coming back. Look at the fruit and remember what I have done in the past.” When you walk on this highway of holiness, fulfilling the promise of entering the eternal Promised Land in YAHveh’s presence, you are insured a very treacherous walk. You are also insured that you will be the recipient of a land flowing with milk and honey. You will be in the presence of the One who has redeemed us with His mighty outstretched arm through the power of the blood of the Passover Lamb. HalleluYAH! We were in a wilderness. But He said, “Come out, come out. I am making a way for you to continue on this journey that I have established before you. I go before you and I am your rear guard to bring you into the land flowing with milk and honey.” As such, let this devotional help you come up higher so that you might reap blessed and gigantic fruit.

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