
A Faith That Never Falters

- A Two Week Devotional on Faith -

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A Faith That Never Falters
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YAHshua is preparing a people for Himself, a people of faith, a people of righteousness, a people waiting for Him. They will do what pleases Him, using their gifts, their talents, their energies, and their life breath for what is of eternal purpose. They are led by His Spirit for the building up, advancement, and the restoration of His holy kingdom. They will be the ones who walk in obedience and whose hearts have rich soil where He can deposit His pure seeds of truth. They will bear Him a bountiful harvest, a hundredfold of righteousness for His namesake and glory. They will praise and thank Him, for He is continually the focus of their attention. YAHveh desires to consume us with a passion for Him, one that is comparable to the passion He has for us. He will teach us to walk in His ways that we might delight His heart and He might rejoice over us. He has invested in each one of us multiple gifts, brought forth by the same Spirit. Each part is as important as the other to supply what is lacking for the fullness of YAHshua, to be made manifest on this earth. It is time to take what we have and invest it all into His kingdom. This can be done only by the power of His Spirit dwelling in us, allowing us to have a faith that will not falter. 

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