
Are You More At Home In The World Or In The Spirit?

Are You More At Home In The World Or In The  Spirit?

The earth and its inhabitants are under Satan’s dominion, the spiritually “born again” “new creations” are under the authority and rulership of Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) Spirit and they are “citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Night Is Coming When No Man Can Work

Night Is Coming When No Man Can Work

The truth will open blind eyes, deaf ears, and prison doors, setting many captives free. May the “latter day rains” begin to fall and cause all the seeds of truth planted in fertile hearts to produce a bountiful harvest of righteousness.

The Harvest Is Plentiful But The Workers Are Few

The Harvest Is Plentiful But The Workers Are Few

Yahshua (Jesus) said, “follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” Everyone who professes to know the Savior must embrace this call because as the Master said, “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.”

Do You Love Yahshua (Jesus)?

Do You Love Yahshua (Jesus)?

Do You love Him with a pure love that causes you to want to leave everything behind to do His bidding, to seek and to save the lost, to feed His sheep, and to glorify Him in word and deed, according to His uncompromised truth?

Do You Truly Love Yahshua (Jesus)?

Do You Truly Love Yahshua (Jesus)?

“Whoever keeps His word, in him the love of Yahveh has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him: the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked”.

Does Anything Compare To Yahveh God?

Does Anything Compare To Yahveh God?

The desire of His heart is that we have Him as the desire of our hearts. That it be a reciprocal passion; If anything compares to Yahveh, then we must ask Him to remove the idols from our hearts.

Yahshua (Jesus) Is The Rock Who Pours Out Living Water

Yahshua (Jesus) Is The Rock Who Pours Out Living Water

Every person has, at some time, had to deal with anger, irritation, and frustration. Like Moses the anger of our flesh can became stronger than our desire for the integrity of Yahveh’s (the Lord’s) fame, honor, and glory.

Fix Your Eyes On Yahshua (Jesus)

Fix Your Eyes On Yahshua (Jesus)

Satan is out to destroy us when we open the door to sin. We must keep our eyes fixed on Yahshua (Jesus), the safeguard against the deadly serpent bites, against the sinful nature, and the consequence of sin, which is death.

Strong In The Strength Of His Might

Strong In The Strength Of His Might

“Do not take the hunger and thirst that is given by Yahshua (Jesus) in the depths of your spirit, and fill it with junk food. Inevitably you will end up spiritually weak with brittle bones that can break at the onslaught of an enemy.

Daily Awakenings -Overview

Daily Awakenings -Overview

These prophetic teachings are filled with the glistening sword of Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) love and uncompromised Word. Come and taste and see how good He is as He equips and feeds you from His pure banqueting table!

We Must All Appear Before The Judgment Seat Of Messiah

We Must All Appear Before The Judgment Seat Of Messiah

Our lips are a very vital part of our redeemed temples. They need to be cleansed and yielded as instruments to Yahshua Messiah so He can bring forth His words that have the power to save everyone He puts in our path.

Golden Nuggets Of Spiritual Truth

Golden Nuggets Of Spiritual Truth

It is time to quickly shift the focus of our lives from the here and now of this fallen world to the here after, above in the kingdom of heaven. Let us not find ourselves at the judgment seat of God overcome with hindsight.

Make Every Effort To Live Righteously

Make Every Effort To Live Righteously

The redeemed are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. Real faith-filled believers live with this hope, living righteously before the Almighty and leading others to do the same.

It's Midnight, A New Day is Coming!

It's Midnight, A New Day is Coming!

Undoubtedly we are in “perilous times”, watching the manifestation of biblically prophesied events. Globally, multitudes are in anxiety and high alert for the fear of the unknown and what is coming next.

The Circumcision Of The Heart

The Circumcision Of The Heart

Yahveh says, “I will take away the lust of the flesh, your desires for the things of the world, all forms of idolatry, so that you can desire Me alone, and you will have a circumcised heart, and be acceptable in My sight.