Holy to Yahveh
- Calling a Remnant to be Holy & Righteous -
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Holy to Yahveh | Paperback
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The Mighty One, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is wooing both Jews and Gentiles to be reconciled to Him and one another as “one new man” (Ephesians 2:15). He desires a righteous remnant who will know and worship Him in “spirit and in truth.” Holy to YAHveh is written specifically for those who wholeheartedly seek the Most High and His immutable truths. This book is a beautiful tapestry composed of Old and New Covenant [Testament] truths which are as golden threads woven together to create a vivid portrait of YAHveh the Most High God and YAHshua the Messiah. Throughout this book the plumb line of scriptural truth reveals many crooked places, faulty doctrines, and traditions that have permeated religious systems to this day. By His Spirit, YAHveh is calling Jewish and Gentile people alike to read this life changing book. For the Jewish people, the day has come to meet their Messiah; for the Gentiles it is now time to embrace the holy Hebrew roots of their faith and its scriptural mandates. For both Jews and Gentiles the hour has come for all anti-Christian and anti-Semitic walls of division to be exposed and shattered.
Holy to Yahveh | Digital (iBook & PDF)
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Holy to YAHveh is a spiritual banqueting table presented before all who hunger and thirst for their Creator and His uncompromised truths. This book magnifies the reality of the holy living God, YAHveh, who desires to escort a remnant from all walks of life into His glorious life changing presence. The Almighty is preparing a righteous remnant who will worship Him in spirit and in truth, now and for all eternity. His Spirit will take the reader on a pilgrimage onward and upward on the Highway of Holiness (Isaiah 35:8). Many vital scriptures have been hidden for centuries in obscurity under the doctrines and traditions of men and their historical religious systems. These truths, like a plumb line, will reveal that which is holy to YAHveh versus man-made, profane, and pagan rooted. The topic of the divine memorial-names of YAHveh, the Father, and YAHshua Messiah, the Son, along with the Biblically pure Hebraic roots of our faith will be golden threads woven through the fabric of this book. This creative tapestry will present a vivid portrait of the Holy One of Israel and the Redeemer of mankind and His eternal plan of salvation.
Unlocking Old & New Testament Truths
Holy to YAHveh is a work of the Almighty; Old and New Testament Scriptures are linked together and magnified as a light of revelation throughout this book. YAHshua, our Savior, is sanctifying and raising up a righteous remnant, a holy priesthood, true disciples who will faithfully obey and proclaim His uncompromised Word. It is a banquet of biblical truths, fulfilling to all who “hunger and thirst after righteousness." Messiah is preparing His blood redeemed pure and spotless bride, to be with Him in His soon coming glorious eternal kingdom. It is the author’s greatest hope and intention that the Almighty will complete His purpose to have a people who are Holy to YAHveh, a righteous remnant who will pour out their lives for the praise, honor, and glory due His holy memorial-name. May you, the reader, have eyes to see the splendor of His majesty, a receptive heart to beat with His, and an open mind to grasp His eternal purposes for all mankind—for the Jew and the Gentile alike.Whoever is hungry and thirsty come and partake!
Holy to YAHveh's powerful words from the Almighty are based on unlocking Old and New Testament truths. Simply, the foundation of this book is the Holy Bible. indeed, there is an eleven page scriptural index illustrating that these are not words, concepts, or ideologies from men but rather from the heart of the Almighty. The goal of this book is that a divinely chosen remnant may be humbled and circumcised in heart, as the plumb line of biblical truth is held next to the crooked walls of certain doctrines and religious traditions. For many centuries, various religious systems have greatly neglected the Old Testament Scriptures. Due to the absence of the bright light of the prophets’ words and the limited knowledge of the Hebrew root of the Messiah, many Jews and Gentiles alike have made their spiritual pilgrimages on a confusing and dimly lit path. Their pathway has been overshadowed by religious traditions rather than illuminated by the sure light of the Creator’s full counsel and countenance. Messiah sacrificed His precious blood to redeem and consecrate a remnant as a priesthood made Holy to YAHveh. He is calling out Jews from every tribe of Israel and Gentiles from every nation and religious background. This chosen remnant will be as “one new man” (Ephesians 2:15), redeemed and united through the atoning blood of the Hebrew Messiah. May your heart be blessed and open to reading and hearing the words of Almighty like never before as He is calling a remnant to become Holy to YAHveh!
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