He Longs to Bless His people
- The Love of the Almighty for His People is Beyond Fathom -
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The word of YAHveh tells us that we are to try and fathom the depths and the height and the expansiveness of His love for us that was expressed through the sacrifice of His only begotten Son. We must never take lightly such a great salvation. It is He who will purify our hearts, that we might have the fullest and richest inheritance of any people on this earth into eternity. May the blood that poured out on our behalf continue to sanctify us, as His Word sanctifies us. We lift up the entirety of His precious word as one book. Just as we, Jew and non-Jew, together make “one new humanity,” so does the Old Covenant and the New together make one Word, YAHshua Himself, the Living Word. May His Ruach HaKodesh, His Spirit that separates, open our ears that we might hear, and our hearts and minds that we might perceive what He is saying at this late hour. Once you take up your cross and follow Him, you will become a bondservant to YAHshua. Your life is not your own, your thoughts are not your own, your purposes do not line up to what you used to think, and your words are guaranteed to scare you if you think you need the love of people, for they are guaranteed to be swords that divide. We are the salt and the light, and we must bring this truth and love to others. YAHshua is the great Shepherd; He will feed His sheep with fodder from heaven that will strengthen them in their innermost spirits. He will renew and transform them by His word that they might prove what His good and perfect will is in all they say and do. Let this devotional help you comprehend the mighty love of YAHveh