
Overview Truth Versus Deception - The Paradigm Shift

Overview Truth Versus Deception - The Paradigm Shift

May you receive 20/20 clarity of “spiritual vision” as you seek and obey truth, recognize and flee deception, and become pure, holy, and eagerly prepared in the sight of our coming Savior and King!

Did God Really Say?

Did God Really Say?

“Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?”… “You will not certainly die,” … With these words Satan successfully “deceived Eve” undermining her faith and loving obedience to her Father.

Adam And Eve Lost It!

Adam And Eve Lost It!

Adam and Eve lacked wholehearted love and reverential fear of their Heavenly Father; this resulted in their vulnerability to deception. Satan’s lies successfully caused them doubt, defy, and to despise their Father’s word.

Fallen Man Is Cast Out

Fallen Man Is Cast Out

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of Yahveh [God]” (Romans 3:23). We are “by nature children of wrath” but be of good cheer, Yahshua (Jesus) came to set us free from sin’s rightful penalty (Matthew 13:42).

The Voice Of God

The Voice Of God

“We must obey God rather than men.” If the voice of our self or anyone else does not line up to His biblically expressed voice we are to say absolutely, “NO!” to every other voice, regardless of the cost of being obedient!!!

The Passover Lamb

The Passover Lamb

The Son of God, the Almighty Conqueror, came in bodily form as the “Son of Man” to rescue His people from the bondage of Satan’s deception that lead to sin and eternal death. Yahshua, will save His people from their sins.

Reaping What We Sow

Reaping What We Sow

The choices we make and the fruit of our choices are like seeds that are being sown in our lives and in our linage. We must prayerfully seek to recognize and then repent for all the evil self-nature fruit that has filled our lives.

God's Will Or Your Will?

God's Will Or Your Will?

On the battlefront of the wars of the wills, it is vital to understand that our flesh, with its inbred willful sin nature, is to be treated as a deadly archenemy to the indwelling Holy Spirit.