The Feasts of Israel
Watch life-changing Feast of Israel video teachings from acclaimed author and speaker Terrye G. Seedman.
Audio Messages
Listen to powerful audio teachings on the Feasts of Israel, covering their connection to YAHshua, holiness, and the Torah.
The Spring Feasts
Learn about the Spring Feasts like never before while uncovering the truth and fulfillment of our salvation in Messiah.
The Fall Feasts
Uncover new meaning around the Fall Feasts, including Old & New Testament truths that call us to be holy to Yahveh.
Passover | Pesach
Uncover the true meaning of Passover, including its divine symbolism, prophetic insights, and Messianic fulfillment.
First Fruits
Dive into the miraculous resurrection of our Savior who was the fulfillment of the third spring feast, the Feast of First Fruits.
Yom Teruah
- The Feast of Trumpets -
Hear YAHveh crying out and blasting His shofar through this feast - asking all to hear His voice calling us to repent.
Yom Kippur
- The Day of Atonement -
See Messiah's fulfillment as our sacrificial lamb, making atonement for us that our names may be written in the Book of Life.