All Teachings & Devotionals Overview — It's Midnight Ministries Top

Why the Use of Our God and Savior’s Holy Names?

Bible Studies & Devotionals

A Collection of Life Changing Studies, Teachings, & Devotionals

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Daily Awakenings

Read our blog that has daily teachings to help you grow, morning by morning, in your spiritual walk with our Savior.

You Must Be Ready

Learn to be ready for the Lord’s soon coming return for our King cometh at an hour when we do not expect it.

Faith: 2 Week Study

Read a two week devotional that will help you have a faith that never falters and a  perseverance that endures to the end.

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Anti-Semitism Exposed

Expose the roots of anti-semitism and its connection to the spirit of the anti-Christ which diametrically opposes our Savior.

The Riches of His Glory

Learn about the abundant riches of the Lord’s glory that can and will inhabit your life as you draw close to Him.

High Cost to Follow Jesus

Read uncompromised Biblical teachings to help you become a surrendered disciple who fully follows Yahshua (Jesus).

Truth versus Deception

Read an ongoing bible study designed to help you discern the difference between Biblical truth versus deception.

Prayers & Intercession

Envelop yourself in prayers that will freshen your soul and bring you to new spiritual, mental, and emotional heights.

Feasts of Israel

Learn about the Feasts of Israel like never before while uncovering the truth and fulfillment of our salvation in Messiah. 

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Give Yahveh His Due

Dive into an intense eight chapter study on drawing closer to the Almighty and the power of His name, YAHveh Almighty.

The Ten Commandments

Learn why we cannot have a relationship with the most high, in an unconsecrated, sin-ridden, commandment breaking form.

Additional Devotionals

Browse our teachings, devotionals, and acclaimed book Holy to Holy, all of which will bring you closer to our Savior.