We were created to be instruments who give our God and Savior glory. “For everything comes from Him and exists by His power and is intended for His glory. All glory to Him forever!”
The glory produces praise. The riches of His glory is a treasury of heavenly wealth that is poured out for the spirit man, who imbibes it, and then gives the glory back to Yahshua first and foremost.
Yahshua (Jesus), You are the light of the glory, “the image of the invisible God!”. I pray my motivating, compelling heart’s desire, above all else, will continue to be, “to You be the glory” and that it never rests, it never stops.
Who is going to get the glory now, in the days ahead, and eternally through our lives? It will depend upon whether we are living in the flesh and for the world or in the Spirit and for the Kingdom.
If your gates are opened to the things of this earth instead of having your eyes and ears focused upon Yahveh who is the glory and lifter of your head, you will never know His glorious presence.
If we are not living in the Spirit so that our words and deeds bring glory to the Heavenly Father, then by default, we are not in His glorious presence. We are in the flesh, traipsing around in the world.
The glory is the invisible presence of Yahveh the Father, Yahshua the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The flesh can only bow down and be humbled in His holy presence, in that state our Savior can lift us up.
Those who are living in the Spirit receive fullness of joy in Yahshua’s presence. They are transformed by the glory that surrounds and fills them, and they bring glory to the Father in their words and deeds.