
Day 1: The Stirring Up Of Our Gifts

Day 1: The Stirring Up Of Our Gifts

Our Savior is preparing a people for Himself, a people of faith, a people of righteousness, a people waiting for Him. They will do what pleases Him, using their gifts, talents, energies, and life for what is of eternal purpose.

Day 3: For The Sake Of My Name You Must Persevere

Day 3: For The Sake Of My Name You Must Persevere

We do not know how much time is left and all that matters is that we be found faithful. However, we need to persevere, so that by persevering we will have done the will of Yahveh and will receive what He has promised.

Day 4: The Righteous Will Live By Faith

Day 4: The Righteous Will Live By Faith

A home of righteousness will be established for those who persevered and had the faith in everything Yahveh spoke, not considering their lives anything compared to knowing and doing the will of the Father.

Day 6: Faith Without Works Is Dead

Day 6: Faith Without Works Is Dead

Faith takes your gifts and uses them, for the righteousness of Yahveh to be made known through your acts and deeds. As James says, “Show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works.”

Day 7: You Need To Persevere

Day 7: You Need To Persevere

Faith and perseverance go hand in hand; and great perseverance will be required for those who are going to endure in these last days. Yahshua said that those who persevere and endure to the end will receive a crown of glory.

Day 8: Is Your Wisdom From Above?

Day 8: Is Your Wisdom From Above?

We were not put on this earth for anything but Yahveh’s good pleasure and it is His good pleasure to give us the kingdom but He is sovereign; He cannot give the kingdom to those who are lacking faith and righteousness.

Day 9: Don’t Keep Testing Yahveh

Day 9: Don’t Keep Testing Yahveh

The Almighty gives us more faith and power, from His spirit, to overcome our fleshly inclinations as long as we humbly submit to Him. As scripture says, “Yahveh opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

Day 10: Anyone Who Loves Yahveh Will Not Continue To Sin

Day 10: Anyone Who Loves Yahveh Will Not Continue To Sin

The Almighty’s word will sanctify you, if you walk in it. When we veer, as long as we don’t keep defying Him, His blood will make sure that we stay consecrated through a repentant godly sorrow in our hearts.

Day 11: The Spirit Of Yahveh Envies

Day 11: The Spirit Of Yahveh Envies

The Spirit envies every talent we do not use that Yahveh has given to us. It was given to us for His glory, His name, His kingdom, and for His righteousness. In faith we must use our gifts for the advancement of His kingdom.

Day 12: A Spiritual Fitness Program

Day 12: A Spiritual Fitness Program

Yahshua asked, “When I come will I find faith on the earth?” Indeed, without faith it is impossible to please Yahveh. However, to have a faith that never falters we must go through a daily spiritual fitness program on faith.

Day 13: Yahveh’s Coming Is Near

Day 13: Yahveh’s Coming Is Near

How can we rejoice if we don’t have confidence that all Yahveh’s promises are yes and so be it and we have a home of righteousness waiting for us? You will indeed rejoice when you embrace Yahveh’s commands and precepts.