
Become Fishers of Men

- YAHshua Came to Seek & Save the Lost -

Brief Inspirational study on being a witness

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Become Fishers of Men
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How often do you turn up your nose at someone? How often do you judge before you allow the love of YAHshua (Jesus) to even let you know how much He wants to touch the soul He puts in your path? How often is His love blocked through you because you are not willing to touch the leper, so to speak? YAHshua has come to seek and to save the lost. He has come for the sick. He has come for the demon-possessed. He has come for the blind, the deaf, and the spiritually dead. That is His love. Do you want that love to flow in and through you that you might know the abundant life that He has promised? You will never know YAHshua in His fullest until you allow that love, that saved you from eternal damnation, to be magnified in and through you that others might live. This is the highest call we have. Look for opportunities to reach out to the unlovely to bring the love of YAHshua (Jesus) to all those who are perishing for the lack of knowledge of His love and salvation.

A problem that besets us as human beings is that we love other people’s approval. We are clothed in self-consciousness rather than YAHveh-consciousness and we are not willing to put our flesh aside and risk becoming foolish in the sight of other people for Messiah’s sake. This is completely contrary to the call on our lives. As Apostle Paul says, “We are to become fools for Messiah’s sake.” YAHshua said that we cannot please YAHveh and people, and the love of this world is enmity toward YAHveh. He goes on to say that whatever we do in word and deed, we must do for the glory of YAHveh. John the Baptist said that YAHshua’s axe is laid at the base of every tree that is not bearing good fruit for His kingdom. The greatest fruit we can bear is souls being touched, transformed, and saved because of our obedience. We are to be ambassadors of reconciliation who go forth with the great commission of making disciples of all people, teaching them to walk in holiness out of obedience to YAHveh’s (the LORD’S) commands. Let this devotional help you follow YAHshua (Jesus) while loving others more than yourself and bringing many to salvation.

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