Our Savior yearningly waits for us to turn our backs to the world and run and cling to Him. Friendship with the world makes us His enemy because we are traipsing around in Satan’s world indulging our self nature..
There is only one way! There is only one path! There is only one Savior! Yahshua (Jesus)! It is His divine atoning blood that poured out of His holy body at Calvary, when He gave His life as a ransom to pay the price for our sins.
We are at the end of the age and the Holy Spirit is reminding us of the greatest gift that was ever given; Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) life sacrificed to redeem us from the wrath of God on our sin nature. (Romans 5:9)
As the light of our Savior’s presence shines so brightly upon and through you, many will be drawn to it. They will come out of the darkness into the light where He has been waiting and longing for them to come.
“It is given to man to die once and then the judgment seat.” Yahshua gives us the necessary power and grace to put all of our focus, affection, and “treasures in heaven” because He is “coming at a time that we do not expect.”
Let us draw so intimately close to Yahshua (Jesus), that our hearts overflow in His presence with such love that our words, prayers, and worship are like spiritual kisses to Him our beloved Redeemer.
Great perseverance and faith will be required for those who are going to endure in these last days. An athlete trains. We need better and more rigorous training than an athlete or we will not have the faithful endurance to make it.
Yahshua’s blood opened the way for a priesthood to enter the holy sanctuary of God; it tore the veil that had separated the people of Yahveh Almighty from His divine presence. We must not take lightly such a great sacrifice
The Almighty has invested in each of us multiple gifts, talents, and resources, brought forth by the same Spirit. Each part is as important as the other to supply what is lacking for the fullness of Yahshua (Jesus).
We must be a people who are in constant fellowship with our Father. Be in prayer to get our instructions. Yahveh says “Enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves … until [My] wrath has passed by.”
As Yahshua for the joy set before Him endured the crucifixion stake let us endure our flesh being crucified to the world knowing eye has not seen and ear has not heard, all that God has prepared for those who love Him.
Many people are in dismay over how evil and violent much of humanity is increasingly becoming. Yahshua (Jesus) said that the last days would be as in the days of Noah. To overcome, we must be born of His Spirit.
Our lives are being prepared for resurrection and immortality. We live because Yahshua (Jesus) lives. He lives eternally and we will live eternally. In preparation, we must be formed into His image and set apart for His glory.
You must reach a point where you do not love your life so much as to shrink from death. Yahveh has commissioned that His word go forth and He has commissioned you so never shrink back from speaking life everlasting.
We are to look up, higher and higher—not to the world, not to the things that used to satisfy our flesh, but to the One who has called us to look to Him to provide all our needs through His riches in glory through His Son.
Who wants to hang on to a world where Satan is vying for leadership until he is crushed under Yahshua’s feet? The kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of YAHveh and the chosen remnant will reign with Him forever!
The outpouring of the Almighty’s prophesied judgments have already begun, “Yahveh [the LORD] is coming, for He is coming to judge the earth. He shall judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with His truth.”
For behold Yahveh God who leads the host of the armies of heaven, He is a mighty Warrior, the Judge, and the Prophet of our souls, and He is going to lead us into victory. HalleluYAH!
Paul saw that Satan’s ambassadors were going to come and preach “another Yahshua (Jesus) [a counterfeit]” whom he had not preached, and many would be deceived to easily receive “a different spirit,” and “a different gospel.”
Yahshua (Jesus) was born to die. His sacrificial blood purchased and redeemed His holy bride. This is the greatest love story that ever was and will ever be, filling all of heaven and the entire universe with eternal shouts of halleluYAH!