Pledge Allegiance to the King
- Sovereign Judgement or Life Eternal -
Pledge Allegiance to the King
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YAHveh’s favor rests upon those who walk according to His ways. Though the darkness that encompasses this earth is beyond the blackness of night, the light of YAHshua, the crown of the Torah, is with us, halleluYAH! We are at a most critical time in the history of this world. Accordingly, we must pledge our allegiance to the One true King! As the nations of the world are banning together to exalt Satan’s man, a remnant is being drawn by the Spirit to exalt YAHveh Elohim of Israel and YAHshua Ha Mashiach (the Messiah), to whom our knees must bow and our tongues confess that He is the One true living Elohim (God). Indeed, “How blessed is the man whose strength is in You [YAHveh], in whose heart are the highways to Zion!” (Psalm 84:5). This devotional will help all who are searching to return to worship the King who will soon establish His throne. We are being prepared and we are making that pilgrimage in the spirit, where there is no time and space, and ultimately we will be in His presence forever. HalleluYAH for the power of the blood that separated us from this doomed world. It has clothed us in righteousness so that the King of Glory will welcome us into His eternal holy presence where we can see Him face to face and pledge our allegiance to the King for eternity!