
One New Man

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One New Man - Mock Book.jpg

One New Man


The Mighty One, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is wooing a remnant, both Jews and Gentiles, to be reconciled to Him and one another—a righteous remnant who will know and worship Him in spirit and in truth. The goal of this book is that a divinely chosen remnant may be humbled and circumcised in heart, as the plumb line of biblical truth is held next to the crooked walls of certain doctrines and religious traditions. As errors or deceptions are revealed, this plumb line will become as a flint knife of circumcision in the hand of the Almighty. Only a remnant circumcised in heart can rightly approach the Shekinah glory (divine presence) of the Most High. Many will grieve with broken and contrite hearts, as they clearly see how far religious systems, with their man-tainted ways, have veered from YAHveh’s precepts and holy commandments.

According to the ancient prophets, the Almighty’s righteous judgments will soon fall upon those who veer from His truth.The Hebrew apostle Peter said, “And so we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place …” (2Pe 1:19). The chosen remnant will be as “one new man” (Eph 2:15), redeemed and united through the atoning blood of the Hebrew Messiah. In willing response to the heart cry of the Mighty One of Israel (Isa 1:24), this humble remnant will leave the doomed world system with its false religious traditions to ascend His holy mountain. Through the words of His prophets and the heartbeat of this book, His Spirit is beseeching a remnant to make spiritual AliYAH. It is the author’s deepest desire that this book, along with the enabling guidance of the Spirit of Truth, will help illuminate the words of the prophets.

Note: One New Man is comprised of excerpts taken from Holy to Yahveh. Learn more HERE.

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