
The Redeemed Elect

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The Redeemed Elect - Mock Book.jpg

The Redeemed Elect


For many centuries, various religious systems have greatly neglected the Old Testament Scriptures. Due to the absence of the bright light of the prophets’ words and the limited knowledge of the Hebrew root of the Messiah, many Jews and Gentiles alike have made their spiritual pilgrimages on a confusing and dimly lit path. Their pathway has been overshadowed by religious traditions rather than illuminated by the sure light of the Creator’s full counsel and countenance. Messiah sacrificed His precious blood to redeem and consecrate a remnant as a priesthood made Holy to YAHveh. He is calling out Jews from every tribe of Israel and Gentiles from every nation and religious background. This chosen remnant will be as “one new man” (Eph 2:15), redeemed and united through the atoning blood of the Hebrew Messiah. In willing response to the heart cry of the Mighty One of Israel (Isa 1:24), this humble remnant will leave the doomed world system with its false religious traditions to ascend His holy mountain. There, He will spread out a net of protection over those who love and worship Him “in spirit and truth” (Jn 4:23-24). There, in His presence, His people will find a place of safety and refuge from the coming trials and ultimate divine judgments that will fall upon the earth.

The Hebrew prophets’ words are now being fulfilled regarding the regathering of the Jewish people from the nations back to Israel, their divinely given homeland. The word describing this regathering and immigration is AliYAH, which is a Hebrew expression meaning “to go up, to ascend.” There is a parallel regathering in the spiritual realm as His Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) is wooing a remnant to make spiritual AliYAH, to return to the pure worship of YAHveh, and ascend into His glorious presence, as in days of old. Through the words of His prophets and the heartbeat of this book, His Spirit is beseeching a remnant to come out of this world. It is the author’s deepest desire that this book, along with the enabling guidance of the Spirit of Truth, will help illuminate the words of the Almighty helping each of you to become part of His redeemed elect.

Note: The Redeemed Elect is comprised of excerpts taken from Holy to Yahveh. Learn more HERE.

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