So many believers do not know the word of truth and have inherited lies that have gone undetected because they do not have the sword of the Spirit of uncompromised truth to fight their arch enemy the devil, the “father of lies” and deception.
In the power of the light of truth and the power and authority of Yahshua’s [Jesus’s] name, “we are more than conquerors” over the evil strategies of the devil and Satan’s shackles of deception can be broken.
Satan, is “the god of this world”, the ruling father of humanity until we are “born again” and have the Savior’s indwelling Holy Spirit ruling over, in, and through our spiritually redeemed lives.
As the storm clouds are forming, at this late hour, our Good Shepherd is gathering His little flock. Snatching many of them from ravenous wolves that have come in sheep’s clothing to deceive and destroy His beloved sheep.
Satan’s agenda is to ultimately bring all diverse religions into a unified global religion where he will arise and be worshipped as the sole ruler and “god of this world”. We must wake up and be aware of his agenda lest we be deceived.
The lines are drawn, the polarization of those who are on Yahveh’s righteous side and those who are the Enemy’s worldly unrighteous side is very distinct before the Almighty Holy God. Those dividing lines must be distinct to us.
Because of self justified, fleshy, worldly lifestyles, many professing believers are unknowingly trampling under foot the precious blood of our beloved Savior that redeemed them to come out of this world.