“Light O Light of the World Where Have You Gone?"
“Light O Light of the World Where Have You Gone?"
This teaching is available in both audio and written formats. We pray this message will fortify your faith and strengthen your resolve to walk in uncompromised biblical truth. To listen to this in-depth teaching press below
“Watch out and beware of the leaven [yeast] of the Pharisees and Sadducees,” meaning religious hypocrisy that has distorted truth and taken Yahveh’s commandments and added and deleted to and from it, making a hybrid form of religion that nullifies their worship"
- Matthew 16:6, 15:8 -
If the God of love and grace covers everything shall we then “continue in sin that grace may abound?” Paul replies with a resounding “God forbid!” (Romans 6:2) We uphold His word by the Spirit in us. This was not possible until Yahshua (Jesus) lived, died, was resurrected, and sent His Spirit so we could have the power and the grace to uphold righteousness. We are without excuse. There are many "professing believers” who don’t want the Holy Spirit to rule over them. This is the reason they prefer the counterfeit gospel because it pleases the flesh, it satisfies their desire to have their cake and eat it too; to go to heaven, be raptured out of here, but live in the flesh and for its desires. This is double minded hypocrisy. Yahshua (Jesus) said, “Watch out and beware of the leaven [yeast] of the Pharisees and Sadducees,” meaning religious hypocrisy that has distorted truth and taken Yahveh’s commandments and added and deleted to and from it, making a hybrid form of religion that nullifies their worship. (Matthew 16:6, 15:8) They are not His and Yahshua (Jesus) made it clear, “You think you are righteous but I tell you You are of your father the devil, he … does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him.” (see John 8:44) He speaks lies and you do too, because you are worshipping a distorted image that you have concocted, believed, and handed down to others, keeping them on the “broad path” of lies, deception, and destruction.” (Author’s paraphrase) (Matthew 7:13)
So few people have understood, received, and walked in the true gospel message that requires, without option, the death of the flesh in order for Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) indwelling Spirit to live and have control over our lives."
Many very vital Scriptural mandates have by and large not been taught and embraced in Christianity and must be acknowledged as the irrefutable Word of God. (2 Corinthians 7:10) The Lord Yahveh says “… to this one I will look, to one who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word.” (Isaiah 66:2) Yahshua (Jesus) is shining a bright light on biblical truth to show us how to follow Him and walk as He walked. Many of these Scriptures have been deleted, ignored, untaught, and replaced with erroneous doctrines. Yahveh’s word never changes, To repeat, He strongly cautions us, “Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of Yahveh your God that I give you” (Deuteronomy 4:2). Much of Christianity is diluted, and devoid of uncompromised truth because so many “professing believers are deceived and are not truly “born again”. So few people have understood, received, and walked in the true gospel message that requires, without option, the death of the flesh in order for Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) indwelling Spirit to live and have control over our lives.
The church system by and large does not address the disease of sin and the necessity to continually repent and be cleansed with the blood and “go and sin no more” with the help of the Holy Spirit’s grace and power.”
- John 5:14, 8:11 -
We live in a body prone to sin [sin equals lawlessness]. We live in a world overcome by the rampant disease of sin, that says, “don’t mention the word sin.” The apostate church system says, “God is love and Jesus died for our sins and I believe I am saved.” The church system by and large does not address the disease of sin and the necessity to continually repent and be cleansed with the blood and “go and sin no more” with the help of the Holy Spirit’s grace and power. (John 5:14, 8:11) “Light O Light of the world where have You gone? Your churches have turned out the light and have been overtaken with darkness, deception, and the world.” The salt has no purifying effect on sin and lawlessness, which has increased greatly in these perilous end times. As Apostle Paul prophesied, “in the last days difficult times will come. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, … lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5) They deny the power of the Holy Spirit to rule and reign over their redeemed lives. Many are continuing to live for the flesh and its desires for the world, looking only for a ticket to heaven without “counting the cost” or paying the price “to walk as our Savior walked” following Him on “the narrow path that very few will ever enter” leading into His eternal Kingdom.” (Luke 14:28,18:22, 1 John 2:6, Matthew 7:14)
Only those who are born again can truly follow Yahshua (Jesus) the whole way home into His Kingdom."
Yahshua (Jesus) made it clear how many would want to follow Him but how few would be able to because it requires that we are dead to our flesh and are born again and alive in the Spirit. Only those who are born again can truly follow Yahshua (Jesus) the whole way home into His Kingdom. So many begin at the narrow gate but they veer into the flesh and go back into the world. The enemy distracts them and they get off course becoming preoccupied, distracted, dissipated, deceived, and end up in ditches of darkness. They are back in this doomed world damned for destruction, because of sin that their flesh is only capable of producing. I beseech you brethren by the mercies of Yahveh you have got to get this right, you have got to know the truth. Not what you have been taught from the pulpit, not what you have been handed down from generation to generation, not your interpretation or any man’s interpretation. You have got to know what the word of our God and Savior really says and the clarity of His written instruction of how to walk on that narrow way that very few find and to be the remnant that are on the holy path that very few will enter headed for His kingdom.
We are to have a righteous fear of Yahveh, a righteous fear of ourselves, and the enemy who is always trying to keep or bring us back into bondage to our flesh and its desires for the world, which put us back into captivity in his dark kingdom"
- See Proverbs 9:10, Timothy 2:26 -
We must stop “confessing Him with our lips if our heart is far away from Him.” (see Matthew 15:8) It is time to “work out our salvation with fear and trembling.” (Philippians 2:12) By the Spirit’s convicting power those who are in “foreign worldly garments” can be warned not to push their way in and be cast out of heaven, but to get dressed in the righteous apparel through the blood of Yahshua (Jesus) and be welcomed into the Father’s presence. Repent, be cleansed with Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) atoning redeeming blood. Ask the Holy Spirit, the Helper to come and live in you and give you the grace and power to say, “No to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age …” (Titus 2:12) We are to have a righteous fear of Yahveh, a righteous fear of ourselves, and the enemy who is always trying to keep or bring us back into bondage to our flesh and its desires for the world, which put us back into captivity in his dark kingdom.
“We are to number our days to present to Yahveh a heart of wisdom,” “redeeming the time” for the redemption of souls, as we continue to grow up into Yahshua’s identity as a child of the Living God. (Psalm 90:12, Ephesians 5:16) The “born again” children who have “counted the cost” are ready and waiting, preparing and preparing others to meet our beloved Yahshua (Jesus) and to hear Him say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter the joy of your master.’ (Matthew 25:23)