The Courageous and Faithful Last Generation 4:37
“The Holy Spirit is preparing a new breed of fearless and faithful servants who are equipped to glorify their God and Savior to the very end of the age””
This is written for now and for the future because only Yahveh knows the day and the hour. We can see the signs of the times and the Holy Spirit is sending this message to prepare us. Whether we are the last generation or are helping to prepare the next generation to be that last generation and so on and so forth. We need to be on the alert that preparation to endure to the end is a prerequisite and enduring to the end also requires a preparedness to lay down our lives in serving our Savior to co-labor with Him to bring a righteous harvest into the Kingdom before daylight is over and there is no time left to sow and reap. Even The Doomsday Clock which is a symbol that represents the likelihood of a human-made global catastrophe in January 24, 2023 was set at 90 seconds to midnight. Time is running out, the earth as we know has its beginning and we are close to its predetermined end. The Holy Spirit is preparing a new breed of fearless and faithful servants who are equipped to glorify their God and Savior to the very end of the age, regardless of the trials, tribulations, persecutions, or loosing their life. This “new breed” is so in love with Yahshua (Jesus), so looking forward and upward to being with Him, so desirous to know His will and do it to be found pleasing and holy in His sight. They long for the day that they will be released from the commission here because it is fulfilled and they get to be with Him. He said, “Precious in the sight of Yahveh [the Lord] is the death of His saints” (Psalm 116:15). Apostle Paul said, “To live is Messiah and to die is gain”, he longed to be with Yahshua (Jesus) (Philippians 1:21). The Holy Spirit is crying out, "Awake, sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Messiah [Christ] will shine on you. See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:14-16).
This is a message for all, especially the people who are in the prime of their lives and have not lived and experienced the satisfaction of seeing the fulfillment of all the hopes and dreams they were looking forward to. For many young people, there is dismay, depression, and despair. There is a pandemic of discouragement and hopelessness because their whole lives seem to be dead-ending, with all that they have aspired for seemingly coming to nothing. This generation had high aspirations for great achievement and was raised with the hope for success and fulfillment in many ways and for many things on this earth. So many believers have been raised the same as the children of the world. The spirit of the world and all of its enticing materialistic desires have helped to build a humanistic entitlement mentality, fostering the delusion that everything was going to go on as usual. The majority of young people work hard expecting that their efforts will pay off and materialize in worldly self-gratifying blessings.
“Will we continue on a reckless path and be left under the debris of destruction or will we heed the high call to become a “new breed” of sold out, courageous, faith filled, disciples of Yahshua (Jesus)?”
The cataclysmic reality that things are not going to go on as usual for an unseen measure of time is more than they can bear. The hope of things returning to normal is not a valid hope and inwardly most sense it. The collateral destruction and wasteland of destroyed dreams and shattered lives is the nightmarish reality that is their future on earth. It is midnight, these are the prophesied end times, and this could be the last generation who is living in the fullness of time, and the fulfillment of all prophecy. “The devil is raging knowing that he has only a short time" (Revelation 12:12). He is closing in on humanity and this entire world. The only way out is up, if you go out into the world you go down but if you go out of the world and into the Spirit you go up. We are in the middle of a great cosmic paradigm shift. Will we continue on a reckless path and be left under the debris of destruction or will we heed the high call to become a “new breed” of sold out, courageous, faith filled, disciples of Yahshua (Jesus)?
“As prophesied, the “latter house [our temples], will be filled with more glory than the former”, His obedient remnant will supernaturally shine as a mighty beacon light in this dark passing world, drawing many out of the way of deception and destruction before there is no time left”
This call is for young and old. The “new breed” was predestined from the foundations of the earth to be the last generation. Those who heed the high spiritual call to come out of this world and surrender their lives to the “King of kings” will be endowed, enveloped, and filled up with a mighty powerful anointing of Yahshua (Jesus) Himself (1 Timothy 6:15). Through their sacrificed lives, they will be His instruments and ambassadors of faith, that He manifests His power, might, and glory through. As prophesied, the “latter house [our temples], will be filled with more glory than the former” (Haggai 2:9). His obedient remnant will supernaturally shine as a mighty beacon light in this dark passing world, drawing many out of the way of deception and destruction before there is no time left. This powerful glorious outpouring, “the best that is saved for last”, is stored up in heaven (see John 2:10). This measure of glory, that is reserved for the last generation of the Almighty’s redeemed elect, will have such courageous power as we read in Daniel, “the people who know their God shall be strong [take action], and carry out great exploits … Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever” (Daniel 11:32, 12:3). Part of their supernatural exploits will be the faith that rises from the ash heap of destruction showing people the reality of the living delivering Savior and the truth that the righteous live by faith. They are the bright light calling others to know His love and salvation.
“Come quickly, come quickly, the Master is calling you to come up higher as He shows us the things that are about to happen”
We are standing at a crossroad close to the end of the age and the end of the world as we know it. There is a decision to be made, a “counting of the cost”, as we are at the threshold of what Scripture calls the “fullness of time” (Ephesians 1:10-11, Luke 14:28). This is a call to those who are at the precipice of hopelessness seeing that all of their short lives, comparatively speaking, and all their work to attain and accomplish certain things on this earth has come to a halt. It is time to reassess; do you want to join the ranks of that “new breed”? Instead of seeing your hopes and dreams dashed, put them joyfully on the heavenly altar to be burned up as a living sacrifice with your life being made holy and acceptable to Yahveh and come quickly, come quickly, the Master is calling you to come up higher as He shows us the things that are about to happen (see Romans 12:1, Revelation 4:1). You know His voice and He knows who are His. You were put here in these final hours to fulfill what He put you here to fulfill; His will, His Father’s will, and to bring many into righteousness to be His eternal children.
“All that you worked for is nothing, what He has for you now, is everything”
The anointing on the last generation, for it to fulfill its holy purpose, is that they have to have all their focus and all their hope and treasures in the eternal kingdom with the King. They have to take every investment and predisposition and hope out of this world, put it on the altar with their lives, and let Yahshua (Jesus) be all in all. There is no time left to play church. If you think there is enough time left to still go after earthly pipe dreams, that will be the Enemy’s biggest deception and rip off for those who are called to be the ambassadors grounded in heaven on the rock of faith in Yahshua (Jesus). This mature faithful remnant is redeemed to be as His bride with no other loves from husband/wife, to children, to desires, or to the things of this world. They know it is at the very end and they have a commission; they need to get ready and they need to get other people ready, for the One who is coming as Bridegroom for His bride.
There is a “new breed” which is the predestined last generation. We are approaching the end of the age, the end of time and that “new breed” is being awakened and stirred in their spirit and called to come up higher and look at things from the perspective of fulfilled prophecy. As they follow the way of His judgments they realize that they are here for a specific reason at the end of the age to fulfill the highest call on their lives for his praise, honor, and glory to help bring in a righteous harvest before it is too late. This is the highest call on your life. We are to heed Paul’s example that said, “I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Yahshua [Jesus], to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24). “I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Messiah Yahshua [Christ Jesus] my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Messiah” (Philippians 3:8).
All that you worked for is nothing, what He has for you now, is everything. The “new breed”, the last generation, is the generation that not only concludes the age but is one that is closest to the fulfillment of their redemption to be the bride of Yahshua (Jesus) and the blessed most glorious coming event, the wedding supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:6-9). The nearness of that event, indicated by the prophesied realities unfolding, causes the “new breed” the extraordinary spiritual joy and urgency to redeem the remaining time. As the ransomed redeemed bride in the last days, “The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires, take the water of life without cost” (Revelation 22:17). The power of that union on earth will release such power from heaven gathering in the last part of the remnant that composes the bride of Yahshua (Jesus).
“It is a glorious call; heed the call because there is no hope left for anything of value to manifest on an earth that is under judgment”
Although many will come in at the last hour, they will join the ranks of the valiant, courageous, fearless, and faithful beloved end time “new breed”, that will be laying down their lives so that others can live. Those who come in at the last hour will receive the same blessings, the same reward of being the true bride of Yahshua (Jesus) (see Matthew 20:1-16). The Spirit and the bride will be the power that will accomplish the mighty exploits. It is going to be the only power strong enough to “snatch people from the fire”, that are dangling over the precipice of Hell. (Jude 1:23) This is the culmination of the bride working with the Bridegroom (Revelation 22:17). It is the fullness of everything that He has given you, a great responsibility and stewardship to carry His heart of infinite compelling love, to carry His message of uncompromised truth, to carry it in courage and valor, even if it costs you your life. If it costs you your life you will die a victorious martyr’s death and all of heaven’s host will be surrounding you and with you, as you glorify the Father to the very end, as many of them have (see Hebrews 12:1).
It is a glorious call; heed the call because there is no hope left for anything of value to manifest on an earth that is under judgment. If it manifests it will burn, it will not last long. Time is so short, only a breath, there is nothing that will last unto eternity except that which is planted by the Spirit. Nothing else is of any value, it is futility, and it is insanity to put your hopes in a dying sinking world. “Hear what the Spirit is saying”, join the forces of the faithful remnant, the elect, who “count it all joy” to suffer with Yahshua (Jesus) and to “know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death” (James 1:2, Philippians 3:10). Fulfill what He called you to do by the power of His Spirit, to represent Him to a dying world, helping others to be prepared for the Kingdom, which is so close at hand.
To His righteous redeemed remnant, the riches of His glory and the sound of His voice is thundering in your heart. You know you are hearing it and you are ready to make a rapid exchange for all the desires and treasures of this world for the riches of His glory and all that He has for you to carry as a fresh and new anointing. Yahshua (Jesus) has the “best wine saved for last” (John 2:10). It has been on reserve for the last generation / the new breed; the bride working in union with the Bridegroom to populate the Kingdom while there is still time for people to be saved. This will be the greatest anointing, to bring in the greatest harvest, in the very last hours on earth as we know it, all to His Father’s praise, honor, and glory. Yahveh our God desires His kingdom to be inhabited with the redeemed righteous remnant, which are His sons and daughters that bear His image, who were chosen before the foundation of the earth to be His Son’s eternal bride, to rule and reign with Him in His heavenly kingdom forever!