A Faith That Will Not Falter — It's Midnight Ministries Top

Why the Use of Our God and Savior’s Holy Names?

A Faith That Will Not Falter

A Collection of Life Changing Podcast Teachings & Messages -

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- Video Messages -

Back to Pure Worship

Learn how to become holy to Yahveh, obeying His commands and fixing our eyes upon Yahshua's redeeming blood.

The Holy Feasts of Israel

Learn about the Feasts of Israel like never before while uncovering the truth and fulfillment of our salvation in Messiah. 

The Ten Commandments

Learn why we cannot have a relationship with the most high, in an unconsecrated, sin-ridden, commandment breaking form.

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Yahveh is My Name

Listen to powerful, holy, and insightful messages on the original and mighty name of our Elohim - YAHveh Almighty.

Circumcision of the Heart

Consecrate yourselves and envelope your spirit in messages that will ensure you have a pure and consecrated heart.

The Spring Feasts of Israel

Learn about the Spring Feasts, including their divine symbolism, key prophetic insights, and Messianic fulfillment. 

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The Fall Feasts of Israel

Uncover new meaning around the Fall Feasts, including Old & New Testament truths that call us to be holy to Yahveh.

The Feast of Dedication

Dive into powerful messages that will ensure your dedication to Yahveh is unwavering and full of righteousness. 

One New Man

Become one new man in our Savior & Messiah by purifying your hearts from all ways that displease the spirit of Yahveh.

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Holiness & Repentance

Dive into messages on living righteous, holy, and uncompromised lives, ensuring your dedication to Yahveh is unwavering.  

A Faith That Will Not Falter

Watch powerful messages that will help you have a faith that never falters and a perseverance that endures to the end.

Prepare for His Coming

Prepare for the Messiah's soon coming return by coming out of this world and becoming holy and separate to Him.