Run With The Wind
- But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength -
they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint (Isaiah 40:31)
Run With the Wind | Music Video
The Almighty is asking us to turn away from this world and all its temptations, to run to him, and to never look back. In Genesis, the LORD told Lot and his family, “ “Flee for your lives! Don’t look back” (Genesis 19:17). If we commit to such a laser like focus, He will give us the strength to run like never before. Indeed, we will be able to outrun chariots as Elijah did when the spirit of the Almighty came over him and he outran the King of Israel’s most elite horses (1 Kings 18:46). To accomplish this, you must train your spiritual man to be in tip-top shape. Otherwise, when trouble or trials come you’ll be easily tempted to stop running and/or to look back to the things of this world. As the prophet Jeremiah said, “If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses” (Jeremiah 12:5)? Accordingly my friend, you must put your hope in the LORD for he will renew your strength each and every day. Through our God you will run and not grow weary - you will walk and not be faint (Isaiah 40:31).
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Indeed, start training your spiritual ears, heart, and muscles by becoming holy to the Almighty. Only then will you hear his voice call your name; only then will you be given the strength to run with the horses. Indeed, the Almighty will blow on you with the breath of his nostrils so that you can truly run with the wind. Dear friend, don’t look back but look ahead and grow stronger each day. Yes, there’s nothing to stop you for your unwavering strength comes from the Elohim of heaven and earth. Let your heart be ablaze with a fire as it comes from you answering His voice calling you. Yes, run with the wind, never look back, look straight ahead, and run to our Savior and King for in Him is your great strength and reward!

Music Albums
Explore inspirational music albums presented exclusively by It’s Midnight Ministries. Each album contains either motivational, spiritually evocative vocals or uplifting instrumental compositions. Each album and song has been handcrafted to usher the listener into spiritual worship and close communion with the Almighty. The albums are perfect for praise and worship, self-reflection, or background music during prayer, reading, or sleep. Visit our music store to learn more and to hear samples of inspirational music that will uplift and sooth your body, soul, and spirit.
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Stay With Me
Our Savior will never leave us or forsake us. Indeed, if we are faithless He remains faithful because his love endures forever.
On Eagle’s Wings
Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles and run and not grow weary.
No Matter What
Nothing will separate us from the love of God; for as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love towards us.
It’s Midnight
Be ready for the coming of the Kingdom - be ready for the coming of the King. Our Savior cometh; be ready, waiting and wise!
Come Out of the Darkness
Our Savior is the light of the world. Whoever follows Him will never walk in darkness but rather in His glorious light.
Together Forever
Our Messiah died for us so that we may live with him forever. Yes, we will dwell with our King and Savior together forever.
So Hard to Say Goodbye
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.
You’ll Never Be Alone
No one can fathom the Almighty’s love as his love surpasses knowledge. Yes, you’re never alone for He is always with you.
Run With the Wind
Hope in the LORD and He will renew your strength with the power of His spirit so that you can run and not grow weary.
It’s About Time
It’s about time to know about time. Yes, be ready, waiting, and wise because our Savior will return at an unexpected hour.
Inspirational Music Albums
Stay With Me
A collection of inspirational vocal works composed specifically for uplifting and soothing your body, soul, and spirit.
It’s Midnight
An album of deeply spiritual vocal works that will help you draw closer to the Almighty while also uplifting your spirit.
On Eagle’s Wings
An album of piano solos that are perfect for self-reflection or background music during prayer, reading, or sleep.
Light of the Night
A powerful collection of inspirational and evocative piano solos that will inspire and motivate you in your daily spiritual walk.