
Overview- Satan's Seeds Of Deception Mixed With Biblical Truth

Overview - satan’s Seeds of deception MIXED WITH BIBLICAL TRUTH

Yahshua (Jesus) made it clear that the good seeds (truth) and the bad seeds (deception) would grow together in the harvest field until the end of the age."

This series will be as a light of revelation to a righteous remnant who love their God and Savior with all their heart and only want to walk in the light of uncompromised biblical truth. Yahshua (Jesus), when speaking to His Jewish brethren and disciples said, “I have other sheep [the Gentiles] that are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will listen to My voice.” John 10:16) Yahshua (Jesus) referred to this righteous remnant as His “little flock” who listen and obey the voice of their Good Shepherd, as expressed through His unchanging word. They continually “count the cost” to be sold out and all in, walking on “the narrow path” following Yahshua (Jesus) by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit who “guides them into all truth.” (Matthew 7:14, John 16:13) 

Messiah taught and prophesied through the well known parable of the wheat and the tares. He declared, “The kingdom of heaven is like a man [Yahshua/Jesus] who sowed good seed in his field [to produce a harvest of righteous souls]; but while men [the professing believers] slept, his enemy [Satan] came and sowed tares [deception] among the wheat and went his way.” The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ But he said, … Let both grow together until the harvest [the end of the age], and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers [the angels], “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them [in the fires Hell], but gather the wheat into my barn [His Heavenly Kingdom].” (See Matthew 13:24,25,28-30) Yahshua (Jesus) made it clear that the good seeds (truth) and the bad seeds (deception) would grow together in the harvest field until the end of the age. In these prophesied last days we must set our hearts and minds to clearly discern and distinguish the difference between what seeds are truth and what seeds are an unholy mixture of truth with falsehood. Messiah’s penetrating eyes have watched every move that Satan has made and every seed that he has planted. The Almighty God and Savior has righteous indignation and jealousy over His beloved redeemed remnant who have unknowingly been deceived by inherited doctrines and traditions intertwined with pagan roots, the by-product of Satan’s seeds sown in the harvest field.

Those who wholeheartedly want to discern between truth and falsehood will recognize these unholy seeds that have led to replacement theologies, doctrines, traditions, and customs that are man-made with many pagan roots"

The Holy Spirit wants to open our eyes to see with spiritual binoculars so that we can distinguish the many undetected weeds cunningly sown by the enemy all these centuries. Those who wholeheartedly want to discern between truth and falsehood will recognize these unholy seeds that have led to replacement theologies, doctrines, traditions, and customs that are man-made with many pagan roots. Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) righteous remnant will share His indignation against the successful strategies of deception that have caused so many professing believers to veer off the holy narrow path. Those who have a love for the truth will hate deception. If they hear it stated that such unholy mixtures of doctrines and traditions with pagan roots are mixed in the harvest field of truth, they will, with their whole heart search it out and investigate. They will quickly uproot it and cast it out of their lives and teach others to do the same. Those who are “born again” children of the Living God have the Spirit led responsibility to know the truth, which “set us free” from all of Satan’s deception that was sown into Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) righteous harvest field. (John 3:3, 8:32) We must learn to distinguish between that which is holy (truth) and that which is not holy (lies) and not to add to Our God and Savior’s word or take away from it. (Ezekiel 22:26, Proverbs 30:6, Deuteronomy 4:2) This is exactly what the Enemy has done. He has added and deleted from the word, mixing in unholy seeds of deception.

If we are in deception we are prone to believe more deception, until we unknowingly become captives to “the father of lies”

- John 8:44 -

Grievously, over the centuries, the lack of knowledge of biblical truth and the lack of awareness of Satan’s deception, has allowed him to successfully mutate and bring forth a hybrid empty form of religion within and through much of Christianity. (Luke 4:18, 2 Timothy 3:5-7) Generation after generation have believed the enemy’s mixture of truth and lies, perpetuated it, and called it holy and sacred when in reality it is a by-product of Satan’s strategies to deceive and keep God’s children in bondage to the darkness of deception. WARNING after warning is written in the New Testament through our Savior and the disciples proclaiming, “Be careful that no one misleads you!” “See to it that no one takes you captive through … empty deception, according to the tradition of men, … rather than according to Messiah.” (Matthew 24:4, Colossians 2:8) We are not to love our lives so much as to shrink back from uprooting and separating out of our lives that which originates from seeds of deception. If we are in deception we are prone to believe more deception, until we unknowingly become captives to “the father of lies”. (John 8:44) We must stay alert, awake, and observant in the Holy Spirit, following only our Good Shepherd who leads His beloved sheep through the narrow gate on “the narrow path that leads to life”. (Matthew 7:14)

May the truth open your eyes to see and open your ears to hear the voice of Yahshua (Jesus) who is leading the redeemed out of harm’s way. “The enemy knows his time is short” and he is raging to bring as many of God’s children back into captivity to deception. (Revelation 12:12) Listen to the heart cry and voice of our Savior’s Spirit saying, “Come little sheep, come little sheep, hear the voice of your Good Shepherd.” Come little sheep, He is calling you, Yahshua (Jesus) is beckoning to you. Hear His voice, don’t rebel, don’t veer, follow Him, follow Him all the narrow way, regardless of how narrow and difficult it gets. Your Shepherd’s rod and His staff lovingly keeps prodding you to move onward and upward away from everything that could hold you to the gravitational pull of deception, of “the ruler of this world” and “the father of lies.” (John 12:31, 8:44) Come little sheep come, Yahshua (Jesus) is beckoning to you, may you have ears to hear Him. We must not be an obstinate sheep who resist our Savior, and turn our backs to His face to go in the opposite direction. Let us turn our whole heart, focus, and lives to seek Him who is the truth and love Him into surrendered obedience to know and do His perfect will.