
Part Nine: Pagan Roots In Christianity

Part Nine

Pagan Roots in Christianity

Yahshua (Jesus) will come as a rock cut out of a big mountain to demolish that whole religious system from the toes up to the Babylonian head—because it is all polluted from the head down. It is Babylon!

- Daniel 2:34 -

We are told that Babylon is a mystery in the last days. So if it is a mystery, it is not just the Babylon that goes back to Nimrod, the tower of Babel, and all the idolatry of the heathens. No, there is a “mystery Babylon” in Revelation 17:5, the mother of harlots. There are many interpretations on mystery Babylon, but one aspect is regarding the “church system” with its compromises and pollutions that have entered the pure messianic faith. Mystery Babylon is cloaked in sacredness, in piety, and then it becomes cloaked in our hearts when we place it there. Subsequently, the Almighty departs, just like He did in Israel’s day in the temple. (See Ezekiel Chapter 10)

Yahveh had shown Daniel “a statue…of extraordinary splendor…. The head of that statue was made of fine gold [Babylonian Empire], its breast and arms of silver [Medo-Persian Empire], its belly and its thighs of bronze [Grecian Empire], its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay [Roman Empire]. Daniel “continued looking until a stone was cut out without hands, and it struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and crushed them.” (Daniel 2:31-34)

This colossus continues to the very end of time. Like the counter part of the body of Yahshua (Jesus), this is the body of Satan’s work on earth through these kingdoms. The Enemy has come in all these centuries and brought paganism into the body and mixed the common and profane with the holy. We have apostasy, that is not coming, but that we have been a part of for many many years in Christendom. Sadly, there are a large number of mixtures that still remain in “denominational Christianity,” much like the Roman Empire’s feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay. From the Babylonian head down, many in the “religious system” have unknowingly imbibed the Babylonian, apostate, idolatrous, sun-worshipping system. 

We are to be in the body of Yahshua (Jesus) and from the head down it is all Yahshua! It is all truth! It is all Yahveh! It is all His Commandments! It is all His precepts!

Could the “religious system” of today be symbolic of those toes, a flimsy combination of iron mixed with clay? Yahshua (Jesus) will come as a rock cut out of a big mountain to demolish that whole system from the toes up to the Babylonian head—because it is all polluted from the head down. It is Babylon, it is pagan rooted. We are to be in the body of Yahshua (Jesus) and from the head down it is all Yahshua! It is all truth! It is all Yahveh! It is all His Commandments! It is all His precepts! It is only those who worship Him in Spirit and in truth and who live to obey Him because they love Him with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strength by the power of His Spirit deposited in them. Our God and Savior gave them His grace and the merciful gift of the Helper to uphold the blood that caused them to have life in Him. That life is for the glory of Yahveh through a holy people, a holy nation, a royal priesthood, His treasured possession HalleluYAH! (1 Peter 2:9)

The previous teachings have brought the light of revelation to the impurities and pagan roots that have been a major part of Christianity’s doctrines and traditions. The Enemy has held many of us captive in a waterless pit of deception. As you go through this study you will continue to see the facts for yourself and to pray about each and every one of them. You will be talking to your Heavenly Father by His Son’s Spirit in you and He will answer all your questions. The “truth will set you free” that you might “worship Him in more Spirit and more uncompromised truth!” (John 8:32, see John 4:24)