Part Twelve
Setting the Captives Free
Did the will of the Holy One of Israel become the will of Holy One of the Gentile nations with its camouflaged sun god and pantheons galore? They have been intermingled, intermixed, and riddled in this religious system of “Christianity” for so many years.
The heart of Yahveh is pulsating with intensity so that no one drags their feet but rather starts running away from the outer court of the deceived “religious system” that is part of the world’s system, ruled by “Satan, the prince of this world.” (John 12:31) Like it or not, that is true. If you don’t like it, you will find out, hopefully not too late, because this is a move of Yahveh. The Messiah told His disciples that surely in the last days, “that which is hidden is going to be revealed.” (Luke 8:17) “Yahshua [Jesus] replied, “To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things” —Yahveh’s Commandments being upheld, which upholds Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) precious blood that poured out so that we might be His people who do the will of His Father. (Matthew 17:11)
Did the will of the Holy One of Israel become the will of holy one of the Gentile nations with its camouflaged sun god and pantheons galore? They have been intermingled, intermixed, and riddled in this religious system of “Christianity” for so many years. Nobody investigates it, except for those who are waking up! Wake up, O sleeper, wake up, rise from spiritual death because it will be spiritual death for you. You are not alive in the Spirit to the degree He has redeemed you to be because you can’t go into His Presence with foreign garments and foreskin on your hearts. (see Zephaniah 1:8, Ezekiel 44:9) You cannot partake of that which is unholy and holy mixed together because it is an abomination in His sight. Yahshua (Jesus) is speaking because the hour is so late and the door is about to close: “And then He will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’” (Matthew 7:23)
We must find out what pleases Yahveh and do it: “to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin” and “sin is lawlessness” (Ephesians 5:10, James 4:17, 1 John 3:4), it is the breaking of the Commandments. We have all sinned more than we even know. Many sit in the ivory towers of compromise in so called “Christianity” thinking all is well with their souls as they wait to be raptured. Pride and arrogance are coming down. The “world’s religious system” is coming down. It is coming down as sure as the temple in Herod’s day. It is finished, says Yahveh Elohim (God) of Israel. “Come out of her, My people.” (Revelation 18:4)
Come out of her before it collapses and you are under that rubble. Come out of her, My people, that you do not partake of her sin and judgments. This is dire. The truth is setting us free and whom the Son sets free is free to do what? (John 8:32, 36) Free to obey the will of our Father without caring about what people think or what we lose; we are not losing it, we are giving it in exchange. We are placing it on the altar because we want more of Yahshua (Jesus) and less of everything that grieves Him, so that only a repentant heart that is contrite and humble and trembles at His word remains. (See Revelation 18:4, John 8:32, 36, Isaiah 66:2)
"We must be willing to exchange everything we have inherited that is a perpetuated lie that has come from the father of lies"
- John 8:44 -
“…Someone said to Him, ‘Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?’ And He said to them, ‘Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.’” (Luke 13:23-24) He said many will really want to; these are not atheists or agnostics; they are going to be religious folks. They are not going to be able to enter because they are not willing to make the exchange, to count the cost, to leave everything familiar, including the love and acceptance of people, family, friends, and even religious family—their “spiritual kin,” to walk in the light of truth. (see Luke 14:25-28)
How much do we want our Bridegroom? We are going on a honeymoon with Him—do we t“…Someone said to Him, ‘Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?’ And He said to them, ‘Strive to enter through the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.’” (Luke 13:23-24) He said many will really want to; these are not atheists or agnostics; they are going to be professing believers. They are not going to be able to enter because they are not willing to make the exchange, to count the cost, to leave everything familiar, including the love and acceptance of people, family, friends, and even religious family—their “spiritual kin,” to walk in the light of truth. (see Luke 14:25-28)
As much as we love our family or something that we are going to have to leave behind, nothing is to compare with our passionate preparation for Yahshua (Jesus), our Bridegroom!"
- Luke 14:25-27 -
How much do we want our Bridegroom? We are going on a honeymoon with Him—do we take everyone with us? Let’s grow up, we are getting ready to be married, leaving father, mother, sister, brother, husband, wife. That is what we do. “…a man shall leave his father and mother [his family] and shall be joined to his wife…” (see Ephesians 5:31) And as much as we love our family or something that we are going to have to leave behind, nothing is to compare with our passionate preparation for Yahshua (Jesus), our Bridegroom! Regarding His children who are redeemed “born again” spiritual “new creations”, Yahshua said, “there is nether male nor female” and even our new heavenly bodies will “be like the angels.” (John 3:3, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 3:28, Mark 12:25) The bride is getting herself ready! (Revelation 19:7) All that is unholy is like spots and wrinkles on her pure white linen. The righteous acts of the saints are purely righteous, done by the Holy Spirit, they are not a mixture of righteousness and unrighteousness, which in Yahveh’s sight equals unrighteousness.
We need to make sure that any seeds of deception are not so rooted in our hearts that we have religious pride, as the Pharisees of old, that Messiah was so adamant against, they must be recognized, rooted out, and repent for. He, the Jewish Messiah never ever partook of any man made customs that entered Judaism. He was resolutely against them because they pridefully replaced the words of His Father with their man-made doctrines, and then esteemed them as His word. This caused Yahshua (Jesus) righteous indignation expressed with vehement anger how this nullifies righteousness and nullifies us from being righteous in His sight. He said, “Your worship of me is in vain.” (see Matthew 15:8-9) Yahshua (Jesus) is asking us, “Do you really want the truth or do you love your religious traditions more than you love Me and the uncompromised word of My Father?”