Are You Living in the Glory or the Vainglory of the World?
This teaching is available in both audio and written formats. May the Holy Spirit elevate you above this world and its distractions to know and live in the fullness of the Almighty’s glory. To listen to this in-depth teaching press below.
“When you are not in the glory you are in the vainglory of the world””
It is written, “Yahveh [the LORD] laughs at the wicked [who think they are going to plan, plot, and overtake this world forever], for He knows their day is coming.” (Psalm 37:13) But those who are His children, who have “tasted and seen how good He is” and then turn on Him to go back to the flesh and the world, bring Him utmost grief, great sorrow, and righteous indignation. (Psalm 34:8) “It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God” for those who have continued to sin. (Hebrews 10:31). If we are not living in the Spirit so that our words and deeds bring glory to the Heavenly Father, then by default, we are not in His glorious presence. We are in the flesh, traipsing around in the world. In our Savior’s sight we are seen as an adulteress. (see James 4:4) When you are not in the glory you are in the vainglory of the world. How horrifying to the Father are those who do not live for His glory, and are not compelled to bring Him glory. Living for His glory is a sign that you are truly a child of the Living God. The ghastly “apostate” realities “of another Yahshua (Jesus)”, “another gospel”, and “the seducing spirits”, that apostle Paul warned would come, is because so many “professing believers” did not have a “love for the truth”. (2 Thessalonians 2:2, 10-12, 2 Corinthians 11:4, 1 Timothy 4:1) They gathered teachers to tell them what their itching ears and flesh wanted to hear. (see 2 Timothy 4:3) It gets down to the choice of the self-will still wanting to live and refusing to receive Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) gospel message and mandates to deny oneself to follow Him. (Luke 9:23) It is not that these “professing believers” were deceived, they chose the deception. They were the foundation for the new counterfeit gospel that opened the door for the seducing spirits to come in.
“The day of Yahveh is at hand and as stated, judgment is going to begin rightfully at the household of God, which is the church system with its congregation of believers””
Yahveh’s word is going forth like a sharp sickle to separate the wheat from the tares. He is soon going to bundle the tares and burn them in the fire. (see Matthew 13:24-30) All of those “ingrafted branches” that have risen up against the knowledge of truth and have made another gospel and have perpetuated it, refusing to exchange it for that which is holy and originated from Yahshua (Jesus), will be separated and destined for those fires. This is a time of lamentation. “Call for the wailing women.” (Jeremiah 9:17) As it is written,“Teach your daughters how to wail [those who are in the Spirit and listen will be taught]. Death has climbed in through our windows.” (Jeremiah 9:20-21) The day of Yahveh is at hand and as stated, judgment is going to begin rightfully at the household of God, which is the church system with its congregation of believers. (See 1 Peter 4:17) The time will come when the dissipated, compromised, lukewarm believers will no longer be able to accrue the measure of oil they will need to go and meet the bridegroom. (see Matthew 25:1-13) The holy preparation of the refiner’s fire, the righteous acts of even a martyr’s death, they won’t be able to do.
“We cannot bring Yahveh glory if we are walking in the flesh and for the world, but if we are walking by His Spirit and are “crucified to the world and the world to us” He will be mightily exalted and glorified through our surrendered lives”
The reality is, so many people will be trying to save their lives, it is a natural instinct. It is written, “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for My sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.” (Matthew 8:35) Living for Yahveh’s glory is obedience to follow Yahshua (Jesus), leaving and “hating even our own lives” because we love Him and want to bring Him glory. (See Luke 14:26) We cannot bring Yahveh glory if we are walking in the flesh and for the world, but if we are walking by His Spirit and are “crucified to the world and the world to us” He will be mightily exalted and glorified through our surrendered lives. (Galatians 6:14) Yahshua (Jesus) gave us the example of always glorifying the Father regardless of the persecution and the cost, even when He knew He was going to a martyr’s death. Our Savior said, “Father, glorify your name!” Then a voice came from heaven, “I have glorified it, and will glorify it again.” (John 12:28) That is the kind of attitude we have to have by picking up and embracing our crucifixion stake. (see Matthew 16:24)
“The Spirit’s presence is the highlight that differentiates us from the lowlights of religion that leads people in the flesh, living for the world, and has denied the power of the Holy Spirit to transform them from glory to glory””
So, the ultimate compelling state of living for Yahveh’s glory is dying to our flesh and the world, by “not loving our lives so much as to shrink from death.” “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” (Revelation 12:11, 1 Corinthians 15:55) His beloved redeemed are waiting for that last breath to glorify Him even in death. They have “this blessed hope” always before them, “that to live is Messiah and to die is gain.” “They are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 15:55, Titus 2:13, Philippians 1:21, 2 Corinthians 5:8) This truth will keep us in the glory at all times because that is the gain. We are being transformed from glory to glory the more we stay in His presence until we learn to live, move, and have our being always in His Spirit, exemplifying and glorifying Him in word and deed. (see Acts 17:28, Colossians 3:17) In the judgments we are in His bosom, we are clutched in Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) heart of love. The Spirit brings His glorious life changing presence to us, in us, and through us. That is the highlight that differentiates us from the lowlights of religion that leads people in the flesh, living for the world, and has denied the power of the Holy Spirit to transform them from glory to glory.