
Glory Belongs To Yahveh Now And Forever!

Glory Belongs to Yahveh Now and Forever!


This teaching is available in both audio and written formats. May the Holy Spirit elevate you above this world and its distractions to know and live in the fullness of the Almighty’s glory. To listen to this in-depth teaching press below.

Yahveh’s wrath will fall on all people who have worshipped other gods, beginning with the love of self, which is the biggest idol that provokes Him to jealousy”

Yahveh the Most High God of Israel made His name great in the whole world when He delivered His people from Pharaoh and Egyptian bondage. This brought great glory to Himself as the One True Living God who also purposed to draw the heathen’s focus, worship, and glory away from Satan who was behind every pagan god. When Yahveh brings His end time judgments He is going to make Himself known again, it is going to be the ultimate wrath against all those who refuse to glorify Him. He is going to make it known that “I, even I, am Yahveh [the LORD]; and beside Me there is no savior.” (Isaiah 43:11) The Almighty’s grand finale of glory is at the end of the age when He comes forth, as He did with Israel, for the ultimate destruction of all idols that have robbed Him of the glory. His wrath will fall on all people who have worshipped other gods, beginning with the love of self, which is the biggest idol that provokes Him to jealousy. In prideful rebellion many have refused, like Satan did, to bow down and worship Yahveh, they wanted the worship for themselves, which is the provocation of His great wrath. 

The end of all things is near brethren, run for your life and the Holy Spirit, like the angels in Lot’s day, will lead you to flee all earthly things and not to look back and try to save any of it or you will lose your lives”

In the book of Isaiah when Yahveh is judging the earth, His righteous children are going to be praising Him with the greatest festival of rejoicing because He is making Himself known in glory. It is written that in that day the redeemed remnant will say, “O Yahveh [LORD], You are my God; I will exalt You and praise Your name, for in perfect faithfulness You have done marvelous things, things planned long ago.” (Isaiah 25:1) “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Yahveh, as the waters cover the sea”when Yahshua (Jesus) takes back possession of His Father’s creation. (Habakkuk 2:14) It is written, “Every knee will bow and every tongue confess Yahshua is Yahveh to the glory of God the Father” when Satan is destroyed and all his worshippers are destroyed because of their continual sin of rejecting Yahshua as Lord, Master, and Ruler over their lives. (Philippians 2:10-11) Those who refused to glorify Yahveh, by default gave all the glory to themselves, which is giving it to Satan, “the ruler and god of this world”, as Yahshua (Jesus) called him. (John 16:11) Sadly, it is going to be too late for the many who refused to turn to the Almighty before the terrible fury of His wrath poured out on the inhabitants of the earth. Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) Spirit in us, is like the angels who took Lot and his family by the hand saying, “Escape for your life! Do not look behind you … lest you be destroyed.” (Genesis 19:17) Everything is going to be judged. The end of all things is near brethren, run for your life and the Holy Spirit, like the angels, will lead you to flee all earthly things and not to look back and try to save any of it or you will lose your lives. The Spirit is pulling us away from what He is about to destroy and as we keep running the velocity will increase and the glory will lift us up higher. We are not to look back or we will become “like Lot’s wife, a pillar of salt” that is good for nothing because we looked back to the world instead of following Yahshua (Jesus) and fleeing the wrath of Yahveh His Father. (See Genesis 19:26)

When we live in the flesh and for its desires there is no glory that ascends to heaven it only goes to the enemy who is “the ruler of this world” and who has succeeded in keeping our focus down here and on his kingdom rather than going upward to where Yahshua is “seated at the right hand of the Father”
— John 16:11, 1 Peter 3:22

Our God and Savior tells us how we're going to overcome Satan, the world, and the flesh in its greatest pull at the end of the age. It will be by the blood of the Lamb covering our repentant sins so that we are staying in the Spirit, and that we are faithfully giving testimony of Him in the face of persecution and even a martyr's death. (See Revelation 12:11) We are to continually speak to give Yahshua (Jesus) glory and to point people heavenward at any cost. Our Savior told us from the very beginning we had “to count the cost to follow Him” and that we are not to try and save our lives even unto death. (see Luke 14:28, 17:33) This is how we are to walk now and unto our last breath. We must examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith, which means we are alive in Yahshua (Jesus) with the flesh under the dominion and control of the Holy Spirit, producing the fruits of the Spirit, all of which bring glory to our God and Savior. When we live in the flesh and for its desires there is no glory that ascends to heaven it only goes to the enemy who is “the ruler of this world” and who has succeeded in keeping our focus down here and on his kingdom rather than going upward to where Yahshua is “seated at the right hand of the Father”. (John 16:11, 1 Peter 3:22)

“The flesh is to count for nothing”, except that it has to be crucified in order for Yahshua (Jesus) to be exalted in and through our words and deeds, bringing honor and glory to the Father as He did and continues through His righteous redeemed sold out remnant”
— see John 6:63

Yahshua made it clear that we can know if someone is speaking from the Holy Spirit or by the flesh, He said, “He who speaks on his own accord seeks glory and honor for himself. But He who seeks the glory and the honor of the One who sent Him, He is true, and there is no unrighteousness or deception in Him.” (John 7:18) It is written and proclaimed for the admonition of those who have faith in Yahshua (Jesus) and are born again, “your lives are not your own, you were bought with the high price of the precious blood of our Savior; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (See 1 Corinthians 6:19-20) So whether we eat or drink, or whatever we do, in our words and deeds and in life and death we are to do it all to the glory of God.” (see 1 Corinthians 10:31) It is the glory of Yahshua living and dwelling within His blood redeemed righteous remnant who understand that it is no longer they who live but it is Messiah who lives in and through them to continue on where He left off. (See Galatians 2:20) They do not try to save their lives but lose their lives for Messiah’s sake, the gospel, and for the souls of many, to the glory of the Father. Anything less is a counterfeit, it is a work of the flesh, not a fruit of the Spirit. We must daily and moment by moment keep a vigilant eye on our self nature and practice putting it to death when it rears is ugly head wanting to regain dominion over our ransomed lives. The flesh will testify against us if we have not denied ourselves and daily picked up and embraced our crucifixion stake so that Yahshua is the only one being exalted. (see Matthew 16:24-25) Not once, but to carry it throughout each and every day, recognizing our flesh as the arch enemy to Yahshua who lives in us. “The flesh is to count for nothing”, except that it has to be crucified in order for Yahshua (Jesus) to be exalted in and through our words and deeds, bringing honor and glory to the Father as He did and continues through His righteous redeemed sold out remnant. (see John 6:63)

In summary, Yahveh gave His only begotten Son, that we would be purchased and redeemed by His blood, forgiven and cleansed, filled with His Spirit to continue the advancement of His righteous kingdom to His praise, honor, and glory. Glory, honor, power, praise and dominion belong to Yahveh now and forever more on this earth into all eternity! (see Revelation 7:12) In the new heaven and the new earth, “The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it.” (Revelation 21:24) Everything is going to be given to Yahveh because He is going to be the only glorious One, there will not be glory for any man. “And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb.” (Revelation 21:23) HalleluYah! 


I come before You, Yahshua (Jesus), in humble gratitude for Your obedience to redeem me with Your life. I cannot comprehend the power of Your glory, please continue to reveal it more and more to me and forgive me for robbing You of the glory that belongs to You. Forgive me for all the times I have neglected to glorify You in my words and deeds with thanksgiving, praise, and adoration. Forgive me Father in heaven, forgive me Yahshua (Jesus) for touching Your glory and keeping it for myself by not giving it back to You. Forgive me Father, forgive me. I want to die to all selfish pride to make sure that nothing rises up against the knowledge of Your presence and glory in me. May there be a continuum of glory ascending to You through my spirit and life. I choose to no longer give attention to my flesh other than to get it on the heavenly altar that Your life is exalted in and through my loving obedience and wholehearted service to You. You are the object of my worship, the object of my focus. I delight to do Your will to glorify You.

Yahshua (Jesus), You are the light of the glory, “the image of the invisible God!” (Colossians 1:15) I pray my motivating, compelling heart’s desire, above all else, will continue to be, “to You be the glory” and that it never rests, it never stops, because it is never meant to stop. Thank You for the joy of joining with Heaven’s hosts in bringing You glory, adoration, thanksgiving and praise so that the glory of Yahveh will cover the earth as the waters cover the seas. Amen.