
Beholding His Power And Glory

Beholding His Power and Glory

Psalm 63:3


This teaching is available in both audio and written formats. May the Holy Spirit elevate you above this world and its distractions to know and live in the fullness of the Almighty’s glory. To listen to this in-depth teaching press below

The spirit man cannot live apart from the glory any more than a fish can live outside of water”

Those who are “born again” are redeemed sons and daughters created in the likeness of Yahshua (Jesus) and like Him, live to give our Heavenly Father all the praise, honor, and glory that is continually His due. (John 3:3, see Colossians 3:10) The righteous redeemed remnant are filled with the Spirit, motivating and compelling them with the all consuming desire to glorify our God and Savior in word and deed. Those who are “born again” supernatural “new creations” long to be in His presence. The spirit man cannot live apart from the glory any more than a fish can live outside of water. We are of the Spirit and we cannot live outside of Yahshua (Jesus) who is Spirit. We can’t live without the glory being infused in us, exuding through our natural man because we are transformed and permeated with Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) life changing presence.

As it is written, “… in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11) “O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh faints for Your presence. … I have looked upon You … beholding your power and glory.” (Psalm 63:1-3) King David’s son Solomon built the temple for Yahveh’s holy name and for His glorious presence to dwell on earth amongst His people and to be made known to the whole Gentile heathen world that “Yahveh alone is the one true living God of Israel and Savior.” (see 1 Kings 6, Isaiah 43:11) It is written, “When Solomon had finished praying, … the glory of Yahveh filled the temple. And the priests could not enter the house of Yahveh”, because of it. (2 Chronicles 7:1-2) The glory is the invisible presence of Yahveh the Father, Yahshua (Jesus) the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The flesh can only bow down and be humbled in His holy presence and in that state our Savior can lift us up.

Only those who are filled with the indwelling Holy Spirit, can “live and move, and have their being” in the glory”
— Acts 17:28

The glory is so vital, yet overlooked and rarely even considered as part of one’s walk. The Spirit of Yahshua (Jesus) grieves over this reality. Those who are supernaturally “born again” are spiritual “new creations”, their “lives are hidden in Yahshua (Jesus).” (John 3:3, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Colossians 3:3) Sadly, most “professing believers” are not born again. Only those who are filled with the indwelling Holy Spirit, can “live and move, and have their being” in the glory. (See Acts 17:28) Apostle Paul said, “be filled with the Holy Spirit and constantly guided by Him.” (Ephesians 5:18) He in essence was saying, “be filled with the glory, let it permeate and fill you to overflowing. It will raise you so high above this earthly realm where life’s cares, concerns, and worldly preoccupations are so far away. “Messiah in you, the hope of glory” can touch and change others lives as they are drawn by His presence exalted in and through your surrendered, obedient, purchased lives. (Colossians 1:27)

Heaven’s hosts rejoice when Yahveh’s creation glorifies Him in their worship, words, hearts, and deeds. All of heaven is filled with His glory, it never stops day or night for eternity! HalleluYAHs are continually ascending! The very substance of everything that the Almighty has created is filled with His glory, which can never be manufactured by anything religious on this earth. It is the eternal substance of heaven and all of its glorified aspects. This realization can only be ascertained by Yahveh’s born again children who have the deposit of Yahshua’s Holy Spirit living within, preparing, equipping, and leading them out of the flesh and the world into His eternal Kingdom of Heaven. It is written,“You O Yahveh, are a shield around me, My glory, and the One who lifts my head” and when You appear, Your redeemed righteous remnant “will receive the unfading crown of glory.” (Psalm 3:3, 1 Peter 5:4) HalleluYAH!