
Living to Bring Glory To The Father

Living to Bring Glory to the Father

“Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord

and not for people,”

Colossians 3:23


This teaching is available in both audio and written formats. May the Holy Spirit elevate you above this world and its distractions to know and live in the fullness of the Almighty’s glory. To listen to this in-depth teaching press below

The word glory is not a religious terminology, most people do not understand that it is literally a state, and a presence, and a place where the magnificence of Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) splendor dwells”

Yahshua (Jesus) made it clear this is how we can tell if someone belongs to Yahveh. “He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him.” (John 7:18) Living to bring glory to the Father charts our decisions, it charts our words, it charts our attitudes, and heart. As it is written, “in word and deed and life and death do it all to the glory of the Father”. (see Colossians 3:17, Romans 14:8) The word glory is not a religious terminology, most people do not understand that it is literally a state, and a presence, and a place where the magnificence of Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) splendor dwells. The redeemed are holy temples in which that splendor of His glorious presence dwells, which is the riches of His glory, not the riches of this earth. People can have one or the other, they do not exist at the same time together. Flesh and blood cannot discern the glory, only those in the Spirit can. Spiritual “born again” "new creations” only live and exist in the glory, they can’t exist spiritually out of it. (John 3:3, 2 Corinthians 5:17) We are to give Yahveh the glory and thank Him for everything. That is why the Apostle Paul said; we are “to give thanks in everything” and join with heaven’s host proclaiming, “To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be the blessing, the honor, the glory, and the dominion forever and ever!” (Revelation 5:13) If our compelling desire is not to give Him glory in all our words and deeds, then we end up robbing Him of what is His due and inevitably are left in a form of debtor’s prison, namely our flesh. The flesh is what robs Yahveh of the glory. This is a horrible and shocking thing because when it robs Him of the glory it has also robbed us of the gift of His glorious presence. If we get stuck in our flesh we will not move spiritually upward to where the air is continually more rarified and filled with more transforming glory, where we can become more and more one in His presence.

The Spirit of Truth will set you free and fill you with such power in these last days that many of Yahveh God’s children will be valiant, courageous, fearless, and faithful servants who proclaim the truth at any cost even unto death”

We were created to be instruments who give our God and Savior glory. As it is written, “For everything comes from Him and exists by His power and is intended for His glory. All glory to Him forever!” (Romans 11:36) Living for His glory is to be so compelling and overwhelming that it is the integral part of our eternal existence. The “professing believers” who are not born again are not living in the glory so to them it is just a word. The truly born again children of God are filled with and living under the dominion of the Holy Spirit. They are immersed, encapsulated, and permeated with the Spirit rather than living as bond servants to the flesh, the world, and the “ruler of this world Satan”. (2 Corinthians 4:4) May the Son of Righteousness rise upon so you become like a calf loosed from the stalls skipping and leaping for joy as you tread down the enemy of your soul (your flesh) through the truth that has been revealed to you. The Spirit of Truth will set you free and fill you with such power in these last days that many of Yahveh God’s children will be valiant, courageous, fearless, and faithful servants who proclaim the truth at any cost even unto death. This honor is beyond all measure, as is the glory that transcends every unspeakable joy of their “called, chosen, and faithful” hearts, because it is the glory of Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) very presence. (Revelation 17:14) Messiah’s beloved can’t live without or apart from Him, they cannot bear the thought of anything separating them from His presence. “He is the glory and lifter of their heads and the author and perfecter of their unwavering faith!” (Psalm 3:3, Hebrews 12:2) To Him be all praise, honor, glory, and dominion now and forever. HaleluYAH! (Revelation 5:13)