
Holy Root Holy Fruit

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Holy Root Holy Fruit


As Paul’s mandate to the Gentiles continues, he refers to Israel as a “thriving olive tree” (see Romans 11 and Jeremiah 11:16). This tree is of a holy Hebrew root, having originated with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Paul writes: “… if the root be holy, the branches are too. But if some of the branches were broken off, and you [the Gentiles], being a wild olive, were grafted in among them [the Jews] and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree [the nourishing sap], do not be arrogant toward the branches; but if you are arrogant, remember that it is not you who supports the root, but the [Hebrew] root supports you [the engrafted Gentile branches].” You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” Quite right, they were broken off for their unbelief, but you stand by your faith. Do not be conceited, but fear; for if Yahveh did not spare the natural branches, neither will He spare you” (Romans 11:16-21).

These scriptural mandates to believers from Gentile backgrounds are foundational and not optional for all who truly seek to be Holy to Yahveh. The apostle’s warning to Gentiles against self-righteousness and conceit is not to be taken lightly. Many Christians throughout the centuries have not known these fundamental truths concerning the Hebrew root. The Mighty One of Israel warns, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). As a result of this ignorance and apathy, many of the “engrafted branches” have become detached from the holy Hebrew root. They have not received the spiritual vitality of its original nourishing sap, and consequently have produced dried, withered and shriveled fruit that has detracted from the glory of the holy olive tree. Unfortunately, this is the overall condition of much of Christianity at the close of the Gentile age.

The Spirit of Truth is calling all branches. He is beckoning the “natural” and “wild” olive branches to attach themselves to the holy root. Any branch not directly attached to the holy root will not receive the fullness of its nourishing sap and will inevitably dry and wither. Such a branch will never bear sumptuous spiritual fruit that glorifies the Creator and attracts perishing souls. At the close of the Gentile age, many engrafted wild olive branches are in jeopardy of being cut off. Paul warned that arrogance would be the fatal blow to these engrafted Gentiles, who haughtily believe that they have replaced the natural Jewish branches.



As we study church history as it relates to the Jews, it will become obvious that Satan has succeeded in blighting Yahveh’s holy olive tree. The Father of Lies has influenced many leaders and laymen to ignore, negate, or despise the Hebrew root and its nourishing sap. Many have replaced it with a counterfeit, man-made, religious syntho-sap. Syntho-sap does not contain Yahveh’s genuine, life-changing spirit.

This false sap will not bring the fullness of Yahveh’s life to the branches, nor will it bring glory to Him as the Creator. Syntho-sap has been a highly popular product on the religious market for hundreds of years. It comes in a wide variety of flavors and consistencies; it appeals to an assortment of spiritual appetites, lifestyles and needs. To the basic consumer, this pseudo-commodity may look and feel like the real thing; only the discerning, who hunger for righteousness, will notice that it differs from the original, holy and nourishing sap. Syntho-sap is widely sold and distributed within many of the various denominations that fill the outer court of religion.

WARNING: Syntho-sap may have eternally dangerous side effects! It should not be used by those who earnestly desire to produce fruit that will remain and pass the heavenly Creator’s inspection.

The coming King of kings strongly advises His people to avoid syntho-sap at any cost. The nourishing original sap, although very rare and spiritually expensive, is still available from the original holy root. The trumpet is sounding from the throne room of the eternal King. He is beseeching a remnant to prepare for the establishment of His righteous kingdom. In His mercy, Yahveh will give to a remnant the wisdom to discern between the religious and the righteous. Yahveh will enlighten this remnant with great spiritual truth. By His Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh, He will separate a people from all that is synthetic; by His might, He will reattach many branches to the holy Hebrew root; then the original, nourishing sap will cause them to bear the glorious fruit due His holy memorial-name. Many are now being called to choose between “syntho-sap” and the “original sap.” May He bless you with discernment to choose wisely.