
For In Him We Live

For in Him We Live

Acts 17:28

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“Blessed are the pure in heart [circumcised in heart], for they shall see YAHveh (the LORD)” (Matthew 5:8). Do you want to see and know YAHveh? YAHveh says, “Come to Me I AM your Provider, your Reward. I AM everything you need Me to be because I AM that I AM. I AM the great I AM, and I AM going to bring you your healing and your deliverances. I AM going to bring you wisdom. So come directly to Me and don’t run around looking for blessings in the outer court of religion or anywhere else.” So the blessing in growing up into the head of YAHshua (Jesus), is to be in the Holy of Holies where YAHveh’s (the LORD’s) Presence dwells.

YAHveh is not a God who is far off, He is as near as our breath. The kingdom of YAHveh is in us, and YAHveh wants us to learn to go to Him. There is going to come a day when our mobility and freedom of mobility on the horizontal plane of this earth is coming to an end. It is going to become less and less. We have already seen many freedoms flying away. Satan is smashing and destroying them like we read in the book of Daniel, “His sanctuary [and truth] was thrown down” (Daniel 8:11) causing deceit to prosper. All of this is happening, and more and more is going to take place. We are going to have less mobility and freedom to go where we want.

With this minimizing mobility, the vertical exchange from heaven to earth and earth to heaven is so that we can live and breathe in the Spirit and lack nothing. This is a major exchange given to those who put their flesh and all the things that so easily beset them on the altar with repentance. So they will no longer be laden down with the gravitational pull of earthly cares and concerns. We have to get ready like the bride with the oil of the Spirit because this is where we are going to meet our Bridegroom, on that plain. Not on the horizontal but on the vertical. The more we exchange the things of our flesh and of the religious system for Him, the closer and closer we will advance toward the proximity of His glorious life-changing presence.

To be able to move vertically in the Spirit, you must get rid of everything that is not of YAHveh, so the gravitational pull of it is broken. So, it is YAHshua (Jesus) in you: “for in Him we live and move and exist…” (Acts 17:28). The more you stay in the Spirit, the more the Spirit changes you from glory to glory. And you can have that exchange of moving from the earth into the heavenly’s more and more. In the Spirit you go into His direct Presence. The other exchanges have to come first, therefore you have to see and know what you are repenting for so that you do not go and do it again and return to the outer court.

This is why our Savior said "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:24). We have to leave the earthly realm and its many preoccupations to live in the spirit. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" (Mark 10:25). You cannot take flesh. It is by the spirit that you go into the spiritual realm where our Master and Savior live.