
Chapter 4: You Cannot Please Yahveh And Man

- Chapter 4 -
You Cannot Please Yahveh And Man

Luke 10:27; Luke 16:13

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May the fear of Yahveh be given to everyone of us in its fullest measure. “Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
— Psalm 90:12

“Who will not fear, O Yahveh, and glorify your name? For You alone are holy; for all the nations will come and worship before You. For Your righteous acts have been revealed.” (Revelation 15:4) Those who are walking in Yahveh’s ways when judgments fall will be able to exalt their righteous King who has revealed His righteousness through judgment on the wicked.

If you have the fear of man in you, you are robbing Yahveh of the fear that is due Him. I believe there is a lot of the fear of man in our lives and it robs Him of the glory. He says, “Don’t fear what they fear.” The world fears man. They want man’s approval and acceptance; they want a reputation. You cannot please Yahveh and please man. If you work to please the world and man you have enmity “hatred” toward Yahveh; you do not fear Him.

FEAR YAHVEH AND GIVE HIM ALL THE GLORY, a life dedicated to Him. The words you speak, whatever you do in word and deed, do it out of reverential fear of Yahveh that you bring Him glory. He knows our thoughts before they enter our minds; He knows what motivates us. The scroll is being magnified (Zechariah 5:1) and the angel will go through out the land proclaiming in a loud voice, “Fear Yahveh.” FEAR THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL, FEAR THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH,  do not fear what man fears, do not fear what they dread.  He alone is the One you are to fear because He alone has the power to cast you into hell.” (Luke 12:5)  He said many will call Him Lord, Lord and they will have the power from another source to counterfeit signs and wonders and they are going to be shocked because they are not His. (see Matthew 7:21-22)

Fear Yahveh, don’t be man pleasers. Delight when you are rejected, mocked, scorned, ridiculed, and cast out; because you fear Him more than man. Rejoice He says, for so too were the prophets before you. Leap for joy and when you leap for joy those chains and shackles of the enemy of rejection they will be broken. The spirit of rejection will have no place in you. He was rejected, He was despised and we will be too if we fear Yahveh and not man! You cannot fear man!

We ask You, Yahveh, to search our hearts and where there is still, to one degree or another, the fear of man, the fear of rejection, the fear of a reputation, we pray that You will convict us and show us through the scroll (Your word and truths) being magnified so big in our hearing that we are robbing You and judgment comes upon the robber; they will be destroyed! We tremble at Your Word and pray through humble, repentant and contrite hearts asking You to cleanse and purify us through Your Son’s blood of all the fear of man. So that we will fear You, and give You the glory that is due Your name.

“Yahveh is not a man that He should lie.” The prophet’s words are a light. May you have sight and light to walk on that straight and narrow path. Yahshua said anyone who doesn’t enter in that very narrow gate and walk according to His plumb line of immutable truth, is a robber and a thief. (John 10:1) If you come in some other way, saying it is fine, and it doesn’t line up to the word, you will be under the rubble of every stone and timber. Fear Yahveh and give Him glory through righteous, holy, and consecrated lives. This world is going to be judged, it is coming down. To those who fear Yahveh He says, “Tell the righteous it will be well with them.” (Isaiah 3:10) Are you hearing the heart of Yahveh?

May He open your ears to hear the thumping of a passionate heart who says, “Come out of her my people, come out of this world, and the desire to succeed in this world.” Die to your flesh, die to your desires, die to your selfish ambitions, and vain conceit, that you might fear Me and bring Me glory.” The fear of Yahveh will give you the wisdom to do that.

Do you believe Him? If you believe Him you are going to fear Him. If you do not believe Him, you might as well, as Yahshua said, “Go live in that ice cold world. Don’t profess Me with your lips and have your hearts far from Me and confess Me as your Savior and defame Me because you do not fear Me.”

“Thou shall love Yahveh your God with ALL your heart, ALL your soul, ALL your mind, ALL your strength”, (Luke 10:27) nothing short will do. Now that we love Him with all that how do we display this love? “If you love Me you will obey Me” (John 14:23) and we are going to learn more about His commandments that we might obey them. The robber has come throughout the centuries and we have had a polluted, distorted form of religion, which denies His power and its traditions deny the truth of His Father. This is no time to cling to your traditions, cling to Yahveh, fear Him, and give Him the glory.