Ancient Agents of Anti-Semitism
“Yahveh’s sovereign promises to Abraham serve as a plumb line of truth by which the Holy One judges individuals and nations, and by which they will ultimately be built up or torn down. Biblical and world history testify to this””
The Almighty, well aware of Satan’s vendetta against Israel, took divine precaution and built a wall of protection around His chosen nation. Yahveh’s declaration to bless all who would bless Abraham’s descendants and to curse any person or nation who dared to curse them was and is a safeguard for His people. His warning to the Gentiles is still in effect: Do not curse those whom Yahveh has commanded you to bless, or you will be under His curse! (see Genesis 12:3; Numbers 23:19-20; 24:9). Yahveh’s sovereign promises to Abraham serve as a plumb line of truth by which the Holy One judges individuals and nations, and by which they will ultimately be built up or torn down. Biblical and world history testify to this. With Abraham’s seed targeted for attack, the ancient Serpent formulated his hideous scheme to destroy this chosen nation before the Messiah could be born. His strategy was to inject his venom into the heart and mind of Ishmael, Isaac’s brother, and later into Esau, Jacob’s brother. This poison of sibling rivalry—jealousy, hostility, and revenge—has powerfully permeated millions of Ishmael’s and Esau’s descendants to this day. This venom bred a consuming, obsessive hatred of Israel. Throughout history, as these nations have yielded to anti-Semitism, they have become Satan’s primary earthly agents for the destruction of the Jews.
The Bible and many history books are filled with accounts of the Adversary’s vicious attacks against the Jews. The consequences of these attacks affirm the sovereignty of Yahveh’s curses on any agent of Satan who perpetuates this deadly venom of Jew-hatred. The Edomites and the Amalekites were two biblical nations that descended from Esau, Jacob’s jealous and angry brother. The Old Testament is full of prophetic judgments against these enemies of Israel. For example, because the Amalekites continually warred against Israel, Yahveh declared in anger, “Write this in a book as a memorial … that I will utterly blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven” (Exodus 17:14). Yahveh’s memory is not a short list of vengeances; it is an eternal scroll of remembrance. In His sovereignty, the Mighty One will completely destroy all of Israel’s enemies, sparing only those who bless Israel. Only these will warrant Yahveh’s promised blessings. Throughout Scripture, the Edomites (See Footnote 1) (Esau’s descendants) are symbolic of any person or nation that harbors Satan’s hatred of the Jews and continually opposes Israel. Yahveh’s judgment against Edom for anti-Semitism is clearly stated: “O how Esau will be ransacked, And his hidden treasures searched out! … “Will I not on that day,” declares Yahveh, “Destroy wise men from Edom? … “Because of violence to your brother Jacob, You will be covered with shame, And you will be cut off forever. … Do not gloat over your brother’s [Israel’s] day, The day of his misfortune.” (Obadiah 6-12) (See Footnote 2) Moab was another agent of the Serpent’s anti-Semitic venom. Jeremiah prophesied concerning Yahveh’s judgments on Israel’s enemy: “Moab will wallow in his vomit, and he also will become a laughingstock. Now was not Israel a laughingstock to you? Or was he caught among thieves [nations, individuals, religions, and doctrines that steal from Israel what is rightfully her inheritance]? …” (Jeremiah 48:26-27)
Holy Root Holy Fruit
Paul’s warnings against Gentile arrogance and pride regarding the Jewish People
We must beware of “replacement theology,” (See Footnote 3) which Satan has insidiously injected into the bloodstream of Christianity over many centuries. This doctrine resembles the spirit and pride of Edom and Moab. Ishmael, Esau, and their descendants claimed Israel’s promises to be their own. Similarly, those who embrace “replacement theology” erroneously believe that Israel’s promises now belong solely to the “church,” which they believe has replaced Israel in the Almighty’s heart and plan. (Remember Apostle Paul’s warnings In Ephesians 2-3 and Romans 11. In the teaching Holy Root Holy Fruit Paul’s words reminds the messianic Gentiles of their humble origins as aliens from His eternal promises. These fundamental truths were intended to provide a safeguard against Gentile hostility, arrogance, and indifference toward the Jews.) Doctrines contrary to Yahveh’s eternal purpose for Israel are destined to be destroyed like the pride of Moab: “We have heard of the pride of Moab … Of his haughtiness, his pride, his arrogance and his self-exaltation. … And Moab will be destroyed … Because he has become arrogant toward Yahveh” (Jeremiah 48:29, 42).
Before every major move of the Almighty on the behalf of Israel, the Enemy would violently strike out to destroy the Jewish race. (Take Note of Footnote 4) As we follow the dark path of the ancient Serpent, we find that his next great strategy was fulfilled by Pharaoh of Egypt. This satanic agent was fearful due to the increasing number of Israelites and their potential power in the land. He plotted the mass murder of all Jewish male infants. Through Pharaoh’s paranoia, Satan attempted to terminate the Hebrew race before the Redeemer could be born. Again, Yahveh foiled the plans of the Adversary. The Hebrew race was perpetuated, yet the Serpent continued to plot against Israel.
During the 400s B.C.E.,(See Footnote 5) Haman, a descendent of King Agag, embraced the ancient anti-Semitism of his Amalekite forefathers. As a high-ranking Medo-Persian official, he became Satan’s agent for perpetuating hatred against the Jews. His diabolical plan was to have every Israelite killed in one day. Queen Hadassah (Esther) was used by Yahveh to intervene, and the Jews were divinely spared.
In 168 B.C.E. a highly influential envoy of the enemy appeared on the scene of history. The contemptible Antiochus IV Epiphanes a Greek-Syrian leader was satanically driven to unify the world with Greek culture, religion and language. This Grecianizing of the world is called Hellenism. Antiochus hated the God of the Jews, His people, the Holy Scriptures, and the biblically ordained Hebrew customs. Because of Antiochus’ anti Semetic venom, any person found clinging to his or her beloved Jewish heritage jeopardized the lives of their family. Although many Jews succumbed to the influence of Hellenism there were those who fought courageously. Thousands willingly lost their lives through horrendous tortures, in order to refrain from compromise and remain faithful to Yahveh, the true and living God. The ultimate defeat came through Judah the Maccabee who led a valiant small group in an all out miraculous defeat of this satanic ploy. May Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) Spirit help you, the reader, understand and be aware of our enemies schemes that have powerfully affected and distorted the pure messianic faith of the early believers, bringing deception and apostasy into Christianity over the centuries.
“The Almighty is always the victor over His adversary’s schemes!””
At the time of the Redeemer’s prophesied birth, Satan launched another massive attack. This time, King Herod was the embodiment of the Serpent’s poisonous paranoia. Dread of the coming infant “King of the Jews” provoked Herod to issue a murderous edict. In Bethlehem and its surrounding areas, all Hebrew boys age two and under were destined for slaughter. Although the Serpent’s appetite for Jewish blood was temporarily satisfied, his main purpose was foiled again. In spite of this plot, Yahshua (Jesus) escaped Satan’s strategies just as His forefather Moses had centuries before. The Almighty is always the victor over His adversary’s schemes!
The Enemy’s blood boiled in his evil veins the day the infant Messiah was circumcised unto the Holy One of Israel. There in the temple, Yahshua was heralded by the prophet Simeon and prophetess Anna. He was honored and praised as “the consolation of Israel” (Luke 2:25), the “light of revelation to the Gentiles” (Luke 2:32), and “the glory of Thy people Israel” (Luke 2:32).
Murderous hatred flared in Satan’s nostrils. Enraged and panic-stricken, he again surmised that he must kill or be killed. It was then that the Serpent cunningly infused deception into the hearts of the power-hungry, the self-righteous, and the traditionally religious. He stirred up a mob of Jews, Gentiles, religious leaders, and Roman rulers to nail the “King of the Jews” to a tree at Calvary. As the blood of Yahshua (Jesus) spilled out upon the earth, the crafty Serpent must have let out a shout of victory that echoed throughout hell’s domain. Little did he realize that this victory shout would soon become a gasp of defeat. The ancient Serpent was ensnared by his own devious devices. Messiah’s spilled blood would now redeem and empower an army of Jews and Gentiles, and unite them into one new man (Ephesians 2:15). Satan’s ultimate defeat was now written and sealed in the very blood of the One he so furiously plotted to destroy.
The NIV Study Bible (Grand Rapids: The Zondervan Corporation, 1985), p. 1064 (footnote on Isaiah 34:5, regarding Edom: “Edom. Symbolic of all the enemies of God and his people, …”) — (footnote on 34:8: “The Edomites opposed Israel at every opportunity… But Edom’s day would come …”) — (footnote on 34:9: “Edom’s destruction is compared with the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah.”)
Ibid., p. 1360 (Intro. to Obadiah), “Since the Edomites are related to the Israelites, their hostility is all the more reprehensible. Edom is fully responsible for her failure to assist Israel…” — p. 1361 (“ … Since in O.T. prophecy Edom was often emblematic of all the world powers hostile to God and his kingdom, her judgment anticipates God’s complete removal of all such opposition in that day …”) — p. 1362, Ob , “… The day of the Lord brings judgment for the nations [including, but not limited to Edom] and salvation for the House of Jacob…
It is a grievous fact that approximately 80 percent of all Christians have fallen prey to the lies of “replacement theology.” We must guard our hearts with truth.
Take note: The enemy is making another violent strike to destroy the Jewish race. Now, at the end of the age, we are watching his satanic attack once again. This is right before the last major move when Yahshua (Jesus) returns to destroy Israel’s enemies and set up His Kingdom of Righteousness for His redeemed holy remnant of Jews and Gentiles to dwell with Him in glory forever and ever.
B.C.E., meaning “before the common era,” is used in place of B.C.