
anti Semitism

The Highly Contagious Sin Of Anti-Semitism

The Highly Contagious Sin Of Anti-Semitism

One of the biggest, most destructive poisonous lies that the Serpent hatched as a viper egg among Christians was that Jews are Christ-killers; so it came to be believed that Jews are eternally rejected by God.

If You Love The Jewish Savior - Pray For His Jewish Brethren

If You Love The Jewish Savior - Pray For His Jewish Brethren

To truly love Yahveh, we must know what hurts Him. For almost two thousand years, Messiah’s blood has been trampled, as His brethren, the Jews, have been persecuted, tortured, and killed in the name of Jesus Christ.

Anti-Jewish Abominations That Cause Desolation

Anti-Jewish Abominations That Cause Desolation

In the centuries following Augustine and Constantine, the Jews were alienated from society, forced to live in ghettos, and massacred in diverse places. Anti-Jewish atrocities reached a pinnacle with the Crusades of 1096 C.E.

Anti-Semitism Fanned Into Flames

Anti-Semitism Fanned Into Flames

The fullness of the Savior’s glorious presence and His promised blessings have been blocked by Christianity’s sins of omission and commission with regard to the Jews. The hands of corporate Christendom are stained with blood.