
Day 7: You Need To Persevere

- Day 7 -
You Need to Persevere

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Great perseverance will be required for those who are going to endure in these last days. Why? Because we are going to uphold the very things that “Christianity” has not upheld. Apostle Paul said, “You need to persevere, you need to hold onto your confidence and do the will of Yahveh.” (Hebrews 10:36) “If you cannot walk with the footman in a time of peace how are you going to run with the horseman in a time of war?” (Jeremiah 12:5) “Here is a call for the perseverance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of Yahveh (the Holy One of Israel, all 10 of them as He stated them) and their testimony in Yahshua (Jesus).” (Revelation 14:12)

How are you going to hold up, how are you going to persevere, how are you going to endure to the end? Yahshua (Jesus) said, “He who perseveres and endures to the end (faithful until death) will receive the crown of righteousness, will receive the crown of glory, will receive his due and just reward for not growing weary of well doing.” (See Revelation 2:10) If you cannot start your spiritual diet and exercise now what makes you think that you are going to be able to do it when the horseman starts running with the shofar sounding, “Make way, make way, the judgments are at the door and “death has climbed in our windows,” there will be no delay, there will be no time to turn back, the day of Yahveh is upon us?” What makes you think you can wait until that moment and think you are going to have a faith to support you with perseverance and an overcoming spirit? You will not have it.

My sons can bench press, I do not know how many pounds, and I can maybe lift up a three-pound weight and I am going to think that in a month I can lift half of what they lift? No! An athlete trains. We have better and more rigorous training that we need to turn our attentions to, or else we will not make it. We will not make it! Paul said, “Exemplify me, imitate me, and use me as your example.Look at what I have had to pay, look at the perseverance I have had to exert, look at the trials, the testing, the sufferings, the rejections, and the near death experiences I have had and not shrunk back.”

Yahshua (Jesus) is the one who is going to teach you how to be spiritually fit, how to bench-press to hold burdens, and trials and sufferings. While the world is shaking and crumbling you are going to be able to stand on the Rock, you are not going to move to the right or left and you are going to be like a beacon light of strength. You are to be like the well-known muscle builders that stand out in the world for they are strong.

There is going to be an elect remnant that is going to be strong in faith, strong in the power of His might, and they are not going to be moved. They will be the ones the world gawks at and says, “This is true faith, this is true strength, and this is true endurance.” If they can see it how much more will Yahveh’s good pleasure cause Him to rejoice over us?

“He who is coming is coming soon” and “the righteous one will live by faith and if he shrinks back,” if he stops his exercise regime and turns to the world, getting spiritually flabby and fat with selfish ambition, the lust of this world, and the cares of this life, Yahveh will have no pleasure in him. Yahshua (Jesus) said in the end days, “Be careful that a spirit of dissipation,” a spirit of sloppiness, does not come on you, on how you spend your time and energies that you be caught unaware, off guard, and spiritually unfit to make it to the end. He, who has an ear to hear, HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT IS SAYING. 

By the mercies of Yahveh, I beseech you brethren to get spiritually fit, that you will be able to complete the race you have begun. That you will truly count the cost and not become a laughingstock because you can’t finish the race, you can’t finish building in His kingdom, and you defame Him because your faith was flabby, shallow, no muscle, no grit to it, no substance, because you spent your energies foolishly building up treasures, building up strength with selfish ambition motivating you.

“…If you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your heart do not boast about it and deny it.” (James 3:14) Do not deny it. Do you have any bitter envy in your heart? Work this out with Yahveh. Do you have any selfish ambition? Do you have any plans or goals that don’t line up with Yahveh’s plans, purposes, or goals? Do not deny the truth. Do You? Are you busy tending to a spiritual fitness program that is preparing you as a soldier in His army knowing no soldier gets re-involved in civilian affairs? Are you looking to civilian life, did you put your hand to the plow with a little grasp but no real tenacity looking back and not moving forward?