
Day 3: For The Sake Of My Name You Must Persevere

- Day 3 -
For the Sake of My Name You Must Persevere

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Yahveh will establish His kingdom; His will “will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. He will use a little group of people as He always has. By His Spirit, He will bring them together; He will purge them with a great refiners fire and they will count the cost over and over again. He will send them “out for the sake of the name” as we read in 3 John 1:7. Yahshua came and spoke for the glory of Yahveh’s holy name that has been obliterated by a gospel that has totally taken away the substance, the glory of the Holy One of Israel, and it will be restored, it will be restored.

“The restoration of all things is at hand” and He is going to use a remnant, He is going to use their gifts, if they are willing and obedient. If you are faithful with a little He will give you more. If your gift is lying dormant because you refuse to use it for His glory, He said, “That which you have He will take away from you and He will give to that one who has” because they are faithful wise stewards. This is Yahveh’s way, not ours, so much higher than ours.” (See Matthew 25:28-29)

All that we are, all that is invested in us, is to be lifted up higher than this earthly realm. There we can see, from the ariel view of sitting next to Him in heavenly places, His perspective and master plan to go forward and advance against an enemy that has stopped the move of truth for too long; who has polluted the waters for too long; who muddies the waters so that the fresh pure living waters are something that few men even know the likes of anymore.

You Need to Persevere

We do not know how much time is left and all that matters is that we be found faithful. Hebrews 10:32 says, “Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, (when you stood your ground) in the great contest in the race of suffering, sometimes you were publically exposed to insult and persecution, at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property because you knew that you yourselves had a better and lasting possession.” We haven’t suffered like this yet.

The problem with American style Christianity is all they want to hear is grace, grace, love, love, prosperity, prosperity, cushy, cushy, give me my ivory tower and give me pillows of comfort and He says, “No! “Remember when you first had the light, it shone so brightly upon you and you willingly suffered persecutions, rejections, the confiscation of your property, for you knew your reward, home, and treasures were in heaven.”

Can you remember that day when once you were blind and now you can see? When once you walked in the darkness and now you walk in the light? When once you were deceived and now you have the truth?   He says in Hebrews 10:35, “Therefore do not throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded. For you need to persevere…. ” You need, you must, you have no choice, you need to persevere. You cannot veer to the right or to the left, He made that clear. You have to have unswerving faith that cannot be moved regardless of the imprisonments, persecutions, rejections, and trials, regardless of how much is confiscated from your life and how whittled down you are from the suffering.

You need to persevere, so that by persevering you will have done the will of Yahveh and you will receive what He has promised. You don’t persevere for your own reasons, for your own selfish ambitions, for your own might and power to be exerted, you persevere that the will of Yahveh be accomplished in and through you. Your confidence is in His kingdom, your confidence is in every word that He has said, that it is perfect, and it is yes and Amen. He says, “Let your yes be yes to His word, let your no be no to everything that undermines His will and word in your life.” Do not hesitate, do not swerve, do not waiver between two opinions, find out what pleases Yahveh and say, “Yes, I come to do Your will O Yahveh, my Elohim! Your will is the desire of my heart, I will persevere, I will hold on to my confidence in You, and follow You!”