
Day 2: He Will Use A Remnant

- Day 2 -
He Will Use a Remnant

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Yahshua will come to judge all men according to what they have done whether it is good or bad, whether it is done by the spirit, or by the flesh, whether it has been sown into His kingdom, or sown into this earth. If you put it into the kingdom where moth, rust, and fire that are coming upon this earth will not kindle upon it, it will bring eternal dividends.

“The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few” (Matthew 9:37). There are those who are “hungering and thirsting for righteousness” but the way is blocked and we say, “Yahveh make a way where there is no way and give us creativity to use the gifts that you have given to us in order to co-labor with you. We want to walk in agreement with you as you are building up the highway, “removing the obstacles out of the way of your people.” Help us advance forward carrying the very banner of your holy name and the sovereignty of your kingship; King of Kings, Yahveh the Elohim of Israel, Yahshua Ha Mashiach, the Messiah of all mankind who believe in your atoning blood.”

He will use a remnant, He will never use more than a remnant because He is always the One who will get the glory. Whatever your gifts are He needs them, He will use them, but to the degree you hoard them He will not beg you. There are words and blessings; there are words and curses in store for however you release those gifts. He has a work to do, and the way is barred but Yahveh has a way, He has a route; He has methods and strategies that we don’t know about.

Recently during prayer, I saw in the spirit, Yahshua our commander in chief. I heard Him say, “He has put His remnant on the front line of battle but He would never keep us there with vision that is not 20/20.” Therefore He was sharpening our vision, giving us new lenses by which we would be able to discern the workings of our enemy. He would not put us on the front lines of battle if we were handicapped with poor vision so therefore we are getting greater wisdom, vision, and discernment.

Then I saw our commander in chief with a long pointer pointing at a map of the world showing us strategies, but it was hard to focus in because the new vision, the new lenses of our discernment, were not completely in place yet. But we were going to see, hear, and understand more clearly, and we were going to yield and obey sufficiently and effectively with a wholehearted devotion for the advancement of His kingdom. His kingdom will go forward by a passionate people who want to see the Sovereign of the universe exalted and His name exalted.