
Fishers of Men

The Harvest Is Plentiful But The Workers Are Few

The Harvest Is Plentiful But The Workers Are Few

The Almighty says to follow Me and I will make you fishers of men. Meaning He will teach us how to be fishers of all people. We will know the bait to use to draw many people into the truth and salvation of Yahshua (Jesus).

Hear The Call

Hear The Call

Do you hear Yahveh crying out, “Wake up O sleeper” do you not understand that He came to seek and to save the lost and multitudes are in the valley of decision. Our Father is crying out, “Whom shall I send?” Hear His call!

Freely We Have Received And Freely We Must Give

Freely We Have Received And Freely We Must Give

Yahshua (Jesus) is love. If we cannot display the love of Yahshua to others, regardless of how lovable or unlovable they are, then we are not really able to love the Father in whose image each human being has been created.