
Do You Love Yahshua (Jesus)?

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Do You Love Yahshua (Jesus)?



This teaching is available in both audio and written formats. We pray this message will fortify your faith and strengthen your resolve to walk in uncompromised biblical truth. To listen to this in-depth teaching press below

Do you love Yahshua (Jesus)? Ask Him; He is asking you. Do you love Him? If you don’t love Him, ask Him to forgive you. We need to repent and get out of our minds our selfish definition of love that makes us think that it is well with our souls. It deceives us, so the robber of our souls makes off with the plunder and the booty of our lives that should be laid on the heavenly altar of service and sacrifice (See Romans 12;1).

Let’s pray together: Father in heaven, You have asked us, “Do we love You?” None of us love You to the degree that You have desired. None of us love You with the pure love that causes us to want to leave everything behind to do Your bidding, to seek and to save the lost, to feed Your sheep, and to glorify You in word and deed, according to Your truth, not our self-righteous religious version. Yahveh, I am beseeching You to help us. You know our hearts, and I’m asking that we will be open and honest to tell You the truth, that we are very lacking in that which is most important, the true love that would cause us to please You and feed Your sheep. Please forgive us. We beseech You to cause us to be cut to the quick of our hearts while there is still time to repent.

“…Now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2); if you have heard His voice, do not harden your heart as the Israelites did in the wilderness, and many of them died. Don’t play around with Yahveh’s grace. It is His mercy to work with us while there is still time, to usher us out of that circular wandering in the wilderness, to bring us into the Promised Land of His eternal glory.

May Yahveh (the LORD) deal deeply with each of us so no one misses the opportunity to be honest with Him and to respond in a way that will cause change in our lives. We are not to deceive ourselves and in doing so mock Yahveh. Whatever we do by the flesh and by the arm of the flesh will reap destruction, plain and simple. Whatever is done by the Spirit of Yahshua (Jesus) will reap eternal life. (See Galatians 6:7-8.) Our God is making everything so simple, but we are so dull because our flesh is like foreskin over our whole being. Our minds, with their forms of religion, cloud up the simplicity of His pure instruction. We must become as little children, knowing, that our Father says it and He means it.

He keeps bringing things down to the essence of simplicity so we can understand it. The time is soon going to come when Yahveh is not going to strive with us any longer. It is going to come soon.

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