
Golden Nuggets Of Spiritual Truth

Golden Nuggets of Spiritual Truth

The will of Yahveh is the gold mine of this earth,

while we are in this world that is what we should be seeking for.

Casual believers

become casualties of deception, rebellion,

and ultimately deceived by the Enemy. 

Our Savior teaches His followers to keep our minds and hearts set on things above and

He will take care of our daily earthly needs not our selfish worldly greeds. 

Colossians 3:2

Only the flesh is subject to the world’s gravitational pulls.

The Spirit is not.

Those who deny the flesh will not be subject to

the preoccupations and pulls of this world.

They will keep ascending higher and higher

until there is more and more

of their being and lives hidden in the Holy Spirit.

“For in Him we live and move and have our being”

(Acts 17:28)

We praise our Father in Heaven

 for the gift of going into His holy presence.

  There is nothing like it!

We have the privilege,

through Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) cleansing blood 

covering our repentant sins and His righteousness adoring us,

to be welcomed as His beloved redeemed children, as we prayerfully come before Him. 

We can go there anytime, all the time,

 and it is filled with joy and peace. 

Our Spiritual needs are met as we come into His presence. 

And He fortifies us, through faith in Him 

How foolish to think you have to go somewhere else to be fulfilled

The self nature

is like the anti messiah (antichrist)

sitting on the throne of our hearts

instead of, in place of,

and in opposition to Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ).

  In place of, in opposition to, is what anti messiah (antichrist) means

The Big “I” has to be put to death

and the Great I AM, the God, Ruler, and Creator of the Universe

is the only I that is to be exalted.

When the Big “I” is denied and crucified to the world

there is no more “me” who wants the glory,

it belongs only to Him who alone is the great I AM.

I AM rules over the “little puny god” of I will. (see Psalm 82:6-7)

The I will’s are the offspring of Satan’s mentality. (see Isaiah 14:14-15)

Yahveh God says, “I AM — you are not.”

There is a counting of the cost

when we come to Yahshua (Jesus) to truly follow Him

and to forsake everyone and everything.

He comes with a sword that divides and not to bring peace.

The members of our own household will be our enemies.

(Matthew 10:34)

Most people are not taught what Yahshua (Jesus) spoke and proclaimed

was the cost we have to count to follow Him.

Our Savior did not preach a cheap easy gospel message.

On the contrary, He made it clear that those who wanted to follow Him

would need “to pick up their cross” and be “crucified to the world and the world to them”,

to suffer with Him rejection, heartache, trials, and tribulations.

This is one thing that holds people back in their walk with Him

because they want to maintain the bonds of earthly love

and the comfort that comes from it.

The dread of the discomfort of having those relationships,

that are the closest within our marriage, children, and churches,

disrupted and shaken, is too hard to come to terms with

to follow Yahshua (Jesus) at any cost.

(Luke 14:27,28, Matthew 7:13-14, Galatians 6:14, John 15:18-25, Matthew 8:18-22)

Our beloved Savior said,

“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate

(lightly esteem compared to their love for Him)

his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters,

yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.”

“If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself,

take up his cross, and follow Me.”

(Matthew 16:24, Luke 14:26)

Sentiments are just a ploy of the enemy

to keep us bound to the things we have to leave

in order to love Yahshua (Jesus) with all our hearts

and to obediently follow Him.

It is a human tendency to say, “What’s next?”

The flesh nature is never satisfied.

it gets it’s delight on planning for, thinking about,

and putting time, energy, focus, and money

into what the next thrill and earthly joy is.

Those days are over.

  We can only look forward to more judgments falling

and sorrow and terror increasing to a place of utmost despair

for those who have not planned for their eternal future.

They did not let the Holy Spirit guide their lives

so as not to gratify their flesh.

For them it is going to be disastrous, as if they never knew Him.

They are on shaking ground and will have no stability in the Spirit

because they did not put their hope, treasures, and affections on things above.

They were preoccupied continually with this earth,

that is now the worse investment anyone could have ever put

all their hopes and dreams in, with only half of a heart toward eternity.

 There is no future, no hope.

What was, will never be again.

What is, will never be again.

Only eternity, depending where you spend it, will be forever. 

If you have any joy that is set before you

that is not out of this world, in Yahshua and His Kingdom,

you are being set up for major disappointment,

which can lead to major despair and major and even eternal destruction.

Be on your guard against Satan’s weapons of

dissipation and distraction that lead to utmost disappointment

because your hopes and treasures are in the wrong place.