Mighty is the King, He is Coming!
Have Your Eyes Fixed on Our Soon-Coming Savior
“By YAHveh’s Spirit He will accomplish His perfect will through your life in these last moments on earth””
Dear Ones, Mighty is the King, He is coming! He is coming, and the whole world will acknowledge that He alone is the Savior. He alone is the Messiah. He alone is the King of kings. And the government shall rest eternally upon His shoulders! HalleluYAH, the governments of this world are coming to an end, and the government of YAHshua’s (Jesus’s) holy kingdom is coming. It is coming, and the bride is making herself ready as she looks up with great anticipation, longingly waiting and eagerly expecting her soon-coming Bridegroom. Your heart is to be solely and passionately fixed upon your relationship with Him now and into His eternal kingdom. What you know to do—do it! You can depend on and trust the power of His Spirit to enable you to overcome the flesh and its desires, the pulls of this world, and to recognize Satan’s schemes and resist him. By YAHveh’s Spirit He will accomplish His perfect will through your life in these last moments on earth. You can rejoice that YAHveh (the LORD) goes with His redeemed; your great Shepherd is leading you into the safe pastures of His infinite protection and refuge.
“Open your ears beloved, rivet them to the voice of your Master; He will reveal to you great and mighty things that you must know from prayer, His word, and directions from His Spirit””
YAHshua’s (Jesus’s) sheep hear His voice (John 10:27). He has much to say to you in the brevity of time that remains. Open your ears beloved, rivet them to the voice of your Master; He will reveal to you great and mighty things that you must know from prayer, His word, and directions from His Spirit. His pure instruction will make you strong and supernaturally equipped to do mighty exploits. These exploits will be the accomplishment of His holy purposes and good pleasure through your sanctified, humble, and obedient life. They will be unnoticed by most because all the praise, honor, and glory will go to Him; but they will bring forth the riches of His glory in your life here, which will multiply your divine dividends into all eternity. YAHshua (Jesus) is in the process of doing a mighty work to dress you for the everlasting habitation in the presence of His eternal glory. His kingdom is at hand and His people are being made ready! By His spirit, by His blood, through His warnings in mercy, through His admonitions in grace and loving kindness, He prepares a people for His return.
This is the hour, as the five wise virgins, to trim back your wick. YAHveh (the LORD) will help you to see what is causing it to be unsightly and not to burn with the purity of His presence. He wants to fill you with the newest, freshest, most powerful oil of His Spirit that will continue to burn and keep His light always shining in and through you. YAHveh’s Presence and Word will light the way on your path in this dark world.