Does Anything Compare to Yahveh God?
This teaching is available in both audio and written formats. We pray this message will fortify your faith and strengthen your resolve to walk in uncompromised biblical truth. To listen to this in-depth teaching press below
May we embrace Yahshua (Jesus) with a passion that transcends any passion we may have for anything in this world. Are you confessing Him with your lips, but your heart is far from Him? (Matthew 15:8) He sees and knows, for He is looking for wholehearted devotion. “You shall love Yahveh with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might” (Deuteronomy 6:5). Nothing else will do for the sovereign King who has redeemed us to come out of this world. We are redeemed by Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) blood to be servants and “priests” who are holy to Yahveh (the Lord).
He alone is our reward. He is our inheritance. He will provide all that we need according to His riches in glory in Yahshua (Jesus). Apart from Him, there is nothing. Apart from Him, we can do nothing. Only He can take what is in our hearts and remove it, so more of Him might dwell in us. HalleluYAH! Holy is the One who calls us by His Spirit to be holy. Holy is the One, who by Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) blood, makes us holy. Holy is the One who humbles us, so we might see our unrighteousness, confess it as sin, be cleansed by the blood, dwell in His Presence, and love Him with wholehearted devotion. It is a work of His Spirit; it is utmost love and mercy. Praise You, Yahshua (Jesus)! The King is in the midst of His people; He “inhabits the praises of His people” so that we might worship Him in His Spirit (the Ruach), according to His truth, His immutable word (Psalm 22:3, John 4:24).
Does anything compare to Yahveh God? If anything compares to Yahveh, then we must ask Him to remove the idols from our hearts. As it is written, “Little children, guard yourselves from idols” (1 John 5:21). If we do not find utmost joy and satisfaction in His Presence, we must beseech Him to purify us of all our obstacles and fleshly inclinations that are common to humankind. Then we can truly say that He is” the desire of our hearts”, our “exceedingly great reward” (Psalm 37:4, Genesis 15:1) . Nothing else will do. He is not a man that He will accept anything other that what He has sovereignly declared.
Prayer: Yahveh, our hearts are set on pilgrimage, give us undivided hearts that we might fear Your holy and awesome name and walk in Your ways to bring You honor in word and deed. Bring forth Your remnant, Jew and Gentile, from the four corners of the earth so we stand as “one new man (one new humanity)”—shoulder to shoulder. We pray for the riches of Your glory to be bestowed upon Your people. May we seek for nothing greater, for there is nothing greater. All is rubble and worthless compared to You.
Yahveh, Holy One of Israel, and Creator of heaven and earth, this is the purpose that You brought the redeemed Jew and non-Jew out, that we would love You. This is the desire of Your heart: that we have You as the desire of our hearts. That it be a reciprocal passion; Your love for us and our love for You, and out of that love comes our obedience.