
Pure Heart

Prayer | The Ultimate Love Song

Prayer | The Ultimate Love Song

Let us draw so intimately close to Yahshua (Jesus), that our hearts overflow in His presence with such love that our words, prayers, and worship are like spiritual kisses to Him our beloved Redeemer.

I Am Giving You the Service of the Priesthood

I Am Giving You the Service of the Priesthood

Yahshua’s blood opened the way for a priesthood to enter the holy sanctuary of God; it tore the veil that had separated the people of Yahveh Almighty from His divine presence. We must not take lightly such a great sacrifice

The Heavenly Kingdom, Our Home Sweet Home

The Heavenly Kingdom, Our Home Sweet Home

We must “fight the good fight of faith” to ensure that nothing, not our flesh, sin, the world, or Satan will rob us of becoming the recipient of eternity with Yahshua (Jesus) in His glorious kingdom, our Home Sweet Home.

I Am Coming Soon!

I Am Coming Soon!

Evaluate in your heart what you have done of eternal value that will not be burned up when Yahshua returns. Have you faithfully given your life to suffer with Yahshua (Jesus) so that others can see Him through you?

The Light Of Truth Overcomes The Darkness Of Deception

The Light Of Truth Overcomes The Darkness Of Deception

Our free will, friend or foe!? If it is not under the powerful control of the Holy Spirit we are easy prey to Satan who comes to rob, kill, and destroy. Our Savior came to set us free and keep us free by the power of His Holy Spirit.

Nothing Compares To Knowing And Loving Yahshua (Jesus)

Nothing Compares To Knowing And Loving Yahshua (Jesus)

Paul said to follow his example of beating back the flesh and counting everything so worthless that you throw it on the garbage heap, so that you can participate in that miraculous resurrection that is coming for the righteous.

Be Holy For I Am Holy

Be Holy For I Am Holy

Each believer is given a divine stewardship of their lives as one is given a trust fund of finances. We must be wise in the expenditure of our life; making every effort to be found pure, spotless, blameless, and holy before our King.

Don't Insult The Spirit Of Grace

Don't Insult The Spirit Of Grace

Those who take lightly Yahshua’s (Jesus’s) grace and costly salvation by willfully continuing to sin are unknowingly trampling the holy blood and are re-crucifying Yahshua subjecting Him to public disgrace and humiliation.

He Is A Rewarder Of Those Who Seek Him

He Is A Rewarder Of Those Who Seek Him

We must love Yahveh with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength—then we will keep His commandments. Yahveh is drawing a remnant because of what is in their hearts. Ask for a heart that longs after the Almighty.

Is You Heart Circumcised?

Is You Heart Circumcised?

From a biblical perspective, circumcision originally represented the Almighty’s covenant seal with Abraham. Yahveh extended this sign to have broader significance and to be applied to the hearts of those who long to obey Him.

If You Love Me, You Will Keep My Commandments

If You Love Me, You Will Keep My Commandments

We must offer everything—body, soul, spirit, and mind—upon the Almighty’s holy altar, as an acceptable sacrifice made holy through a repentant heart covered in the blood of Yahshua (Jesus). This holy sacrifice is His due.